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Monday 18 May 2020

'Bounce-Back Surf Camp' Bounce-Back...without going under

If you want to Bounce-Back...without going under... and you'd welcome an independent perspective on some of the most difficult decisions you've ever had to take (and at an amazingly low price, as befits the crisis we're all in), then this recovery-framework is definitely for you.

Register for the course here

Cash Flow Clarity: A Monthly Model to Manage the Year Ahead

Bracing for the worst calls for some serious financial analysis. To avoid hitting the wall by running out of cash, we need to make sure you can line up the resources you're going to need to get through the worst case scenario. Having worked out your Break-Even Sales level, we'll see what can be done to lower it, through out-sourcing and cost-cutting. But we can't afford to be so radical that we kill the goose that may lay tomorrow's golden egg.

A Helping Hand to Raise Your Resilience

We entrepreneurs are now at the sharp end of the steepest, deepest economic down-turn the world has ever seen. We are being stretched to destruction in financial and human terms, simultaneously. The challenges we face are colossal; both in finding the funding to survive and in coping with the shock and horror of the sheer scale and unfairness of the suffering we are facing. People are scattered right across the Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle, from Denial and Anger to Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. But as business leaders, the sooner we can work through to Acceptance, the sooner we can summon our teams to survive and ultimately thrive.

A Blueprint for (re-)Building Value

Time to look up! When coping with a crisis, we tend to see nothing but negatives. That's natural. But we need to search for bright spots too; it would be a shame to miss them, wouldn't it? We need to scour the skies for silver-linings and opportunities to do things differently. Bearing in mind that there are 3 building blocks of value in a business (Stand-Alone, Synergies and Strategic Benefits for a partner), explore what can be done to build each block. If progress in one area is on-hold, see what can be done in others. I've sold plenty of loss-making businesses in my career, which just goes to show that poor or negative stand-alone value can be outweighed by other benefits a business can offer a potential partner. And competition works wonders!

Because we Entrepreneurs are all now facing an unprecedented crisis, and because I (ultimately) learned lessons from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 which I wish I'd known earlier.

David Young has got a course that will help you with the above.

Register for the course here


1:1 Personal Coaching Session with David Young

David is offering to commit 30 minutes (preferably on a video call) to each of the first 30 people who commit to the Bounce-Back Surf Camp. You can spend this time on any aspect of the course, as you wish. As a fully-qualified Coach (using the Clarification Method) he can help you come to terms with the personal shock and anger triggered in your situation by this sudden, unprecedented hammer-blow to the world economy. You can explore potential silver linings, too- opportunities, maybe, to pursue in future some goals that may have been languishing in the background. Value: $250.

Explore what you most want to come through this storm with, intact
Look together for any bright spots in all the current turmoil
Tailor your whole Bounce-Back Surf Camp experience to YOU!.

Survival Spreadsheet

This is the exact same spreadsheet he uses with clients to project monthly cash flows one year ahead. It's vital to clarify what your cumulative cash-outflow could be, worst case, so that you can work out what you need to borrow (and/or what assets you need to sell) to get through the worst.  Value: $97.

Make sure you're braced for the worst-case scenario
Calculate your Break-Even point
See what can be done to get that Break-Even point DOWN
Jargon-busting book 'Increase & Extract the Value of Your Business'

This acclaimed book, normally sold for $19, was co-written with a business leader and a motivational mentor to encourage you to get to grips with the levers of value in YOUR business by de-mystifying financial mumbo-jumbo. He wants you to be able to pursue and defend the value of your business, when the time comes, with confidence!

You can read its 40 pages in an afternoon

Your clarity and confidence in goal-setting for your business will surge

This is the perfect primer & companion for the Bounce-Back Surf Camp

His Audio-Version of the book 'Increase & Extract the Value of Your Business'

He will also give you his $27 audiobook version free, to enable you to absorb the content while you're doing chores around the house (or walking to work!)

These bonuses alone are worth a total of $393.

 He would normally price a 3-week Group Coaching Course with weekly 90-minute live coaching sessions at $497. This Bounce-Back Surf Camp puts you through the paces to boost your survival chances in the stormy seas ahead. And it's hard to put a price on saving the business you have been building for years, if not decades.

Register for the course here

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