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Tuesday 30 June 2020

IT'S TIME TO GET OVER IT! - Powerful Motivational Speech for Success - Les Brown Motivation

It's time to leave your comfort zone! Les Brown delivers a powerful motivational speech on getting over it and leaving your comfort zone for the last time. If you know someone who could use this video, share it with them! 

Speaker: Les Brown 

 As one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, Les Brown is a highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. For three decades he has not only studied the science of achievement, he’s mastered it by interviewing hundreds of successful business leaders and collaborating with them in the boardroom translating theory into bottom-line results for his clients.

Do Not Give Up On Your Dreams, Jay Shetty's interview with Ed Mylett

How do you recover from the death of a dream? Today’s guest, Ed Mylett, the standout athlete and pro baseball hopeful discovered a richer and true meaning to life when he turned his focus on children who needed him most. Mylett speaks about being so broke he was living out of his car to now being highly successful and having the platform to inspire millions. Mylett’s relatable style of empowerment will help you tap into your true potential.

Jay Shetty is a storyteller, podcaster, and former monk who wants to make wisdom go viral. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a monk, and truths he has learned to make others’ lives better. -- Follow me on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Pinterest:

Monday 29 June 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? Stories of Women Changing Music, the Justice System and the World

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

Breat Big Story traveled the world chronicling the accomplishments of women. So in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, here are five stories about women innovating and excelling in areas ranging from science to music.


#WomenPower #WomensDay #March8

This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Saturday 27 June 2020

Leadership – When It Matters Most :: Focus - John Maxwell

I'm looking for leaders with a true commitment to lead others through positive influence. Is that you?

Learn how the John Maxwell Team Leadership, Coaching, Speaking, and Training Development Program can help you take your organization, leadership, and life to the next level.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Why We Form Tribes | Simon Sinek

This clip is from a conversation with Jarik Conrad of Ultimate Software about how we form tribes and connections around a common vision or shared values.

Simon is an unshakable optimist who believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. With a bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single day feeling inspired, feel safe at work, and feel fulfilled at the end of the day, Simon is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and Find Your Why. His new book, The Infinite Game, will be released in 2019.

Simon’s WHY: To inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, each of us can change our world for the better.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Chatting about sport with school sports expert Theo Garrun

Theo has been involved in sport since before I was born as a player at school, a teacher, a coach, a mentor and finally a journalist. Theo has written for many publications in South Africa, appeared on TV and been used as a schools pundit on radio. He is seen as an expert in school sport. In retirement he guest writes for various publications and he has his own blog where he sees something at a sporting event and he feels that he needs to get his opinion across. Here are some articles that Theo has written

Tuesday 23 June 2020

How to Use Instagram as a Sales Funnel Without Ads - MICHAEL STELZNER

The original interview and the audio clips are found here on Social Media Examiner.

Social Media Examiner look at various aspect of social media and interview some of the worlds top social media experts.

Wondering how to use Instagram for sales? Looking for ways to promote your products without using ads?

To explore how to use Instagram as an organic sales funnel, I interview Elise Darma on the Social Media Marketing Podcast.

Elise is an Instagram marketing expert who specializes in helping business owners scale with Instagram. Her courses are Story Vault and InstaGrowth Boss.

You’ll discover how to use Elise’s Instagram Story Seasons Method to generate sales without any advertising and learn what kinds of content work best at each stage of the Story Seasons customer journey.

Elise’s Start on Instagram
Sometime before 2010, Elise found that the 9-to-5 life of working with tech startups didn’t give her enough time to explore her passion for travel. So she started freelancing her marketing skills on the side. Soon she became recognized as the Facebook girl or the Twitter girl.

By 2014, she quit her job and started an agency offering marketing services to eCommerce brands. She finally had the freedom to work online while traveling the world, but after a while, she began to want greater financial freedom as well.

In 2016, Elise decided to focus on growing her personal brand on Instagram. She posted travel photos, wrote stories, and dug into Instagram marketing and growth. That first summer, she grew her Instagram account to around 30,000 followers. By the end of the year, she had 50,000. But she admits she made lots of mistakes in the early stages.Because she was focused on growing her Instagram account as a portfolio for future clients, she wasn’t doing things like capturing emails or getting to know the people who were following her. She eventually discovered that people didn’t really want her agency services—they wanted to know how she was able to travel so much and how she was growing on Instagram.

This was the true start of seeing her personal brand as a business. By talking to her followers and really understanding what they wanted, Elise was able to create her very first digital product, InstaGrowth Boss, in 2017. Since then, Elise’s business has completely changed. She’s no longer focused on the agency side of things. Now she’s an Instagram educator for fellow business owners, helping people sell their coaching, services, and products through Instagram.

Why Businesses Should Focus on Instagram
Instagram has emerged as a proven sales and marketing tool, particularly in the last 2 years.

It was 2018 when Elise first saw industry leaders in the online business space—including Russell Brunson, who spoke at Funnel Hacking Live—declaring that Instagram had become the most important platform for business. Elise was shocked! She had known for years that Instagram was amazing but the greater online business industry as a whole was finally picking up on it.

Parent company Facebook has been consistently putting its efforts and its newest, shiniest features into Instagram. We’ve seen so many updates to Instagram, especially in the last year and in the realm of sales tools.

When Instagram first became popular, it was in the influencer sense: People with a million followers were getting free trips and clothing. Business owners got a little confused looking at that. It seemed like users needed to become “Instagram-famous” for the platform to be worth their while.

In 2016, Elise was one of those people gunning for followers without really generating great relationships. But now there are people out there with 100,000 followers making zero dollars. In contrast, there are people Elise works with every day with fewer than 1,000 followers who are making five-figure incomes.

In the last 2 years, Instagram has proven to be a great place to connect with your customers. It’s also a great place to develop a quality following that’s actually going to care about your business and then become customers. That’s where Elise is seeing her students succeed the most.

Instagram Content Types
Content on Instagram can be tricky to figure out. For example, how do you make a photo of yourself “sharable”?

Elise loves to test Instagram captions with photo-based content, and then when the caption takes off, she’ll just reuse that caption in a second piece of content that’s less about her.

To visualize this, she recently shared a photo of herself and her boyfriend but the caption wasn’t really about them. It was a shout-out to all of the partners of online business owners—the ones who make us breakfast, lunch, and dinner when we forget to eat, and who celebrate our wins just as big, if not bigger, than we do.

People loved the caption. They shared this post in their own stories and said, “Read the caption.” That was a big hint to Elise. She later repurposed that caption as a quote card—a text-based post. That removed her from the post entirely and turned it into something that people would more gladly share or tag their partners in because it was less about her and more about them. They could relate to the story, too.

Videos are also a great way to get more reach and more eyeballs on your content for greater visibility. Instagram is now autoplaying IGTVs and sharing stories of people we don’t follow in our Explore feeds.

Instagram Live has recently changed. If you didn’t drum up anticipation and let your audience know you were going to go live, you often wouldn’t have that many people show up live. The power of live video was really in the replay. But the replay of an Instagram live video used to remain in your stories for just 24 hours.

Since the quarantine has resulted in so many people going live, Instagram has now removed the ability to share it to your stories for 24 hours and replaced it with the option to bring the video into your IGTV. Elise used to go live, save a version to her phone, and then upload it to IGTV. Now this is all done in one step within Instagram. Of course, you also still have the option to not repost your live video at all.

Instagram Features Fit Into an Organic Sales Funnel
We’re all consumers. We’ve all bought something before. And generally, a brand has taken us on a journey to get there.

First, we needed to become aware that the brand even existed. Then we were intrigued about what they were offering. Next, we started to desire what this brand was offering, which pushed us over the edge to becoming a customer. That’s essentially a customer journey.

Instagram has so many great features now to help move customers along this journey. If we think of this journey from the business’s perspective—to make someone aware of you—you need visibility. That’s when a lot of people want growth; they want followers. Then to create interest, we need our followers to engage with our posts using comments, shares, and direct messages (DMs).

Next, to generate desire, we need leads. We need to know who in our following is thinking, “Hmm, I’m kind of interested. Yeah, I’ll give you my email or I’ll answer your poll.” And lastly, to get customers, we need sales.

Elise has established that Instagram’s features fit every step of this customer journey perfectly. Once you understand this, it actually takes “The Overwhelm” out of Instagram.

The features are great—things like stickers, going live, IGTV—but they can also be overwhelming, especially when you’re the social media marketer for your brand. You don’t really know what to focus on. But when you understand your customer journey and which features are best for your goal, then you can focus on what you need and ignore the rest.

The graphic of “the funnel” that we see—wide at the top and skinny at the bottom—corresponds with where our content should be focused. Most of your followers are going to become aware of you. A smaller pool is going to be deeply interested in what you’re offering. An even smaller pool of people will desire to give you money in exchange for what you’re offering. And then an even smaller group will become customers.

So the majority of your Instagram content should focus on content that brings you awareness. Then you want a smaller chunk of your content to focus on that interest: letting people know what you offer and encouraging them to engage with you. Then a smaller portion of content would build that desire for what you offer, and explain the transformation that your product or offer gives them. The smallest portion of your content is going to be sales-related.

You’re not going to do all of these phases equally. For the most part, you’ll focus on that largest awareness phase.

The Story Seasons Method
Elise has developed what she calls the Story Seasons Method to help describe these different stages: Visibility, Engagement, Lead Generation, and Closing Sales.

In business, we go through seasons of growth and seasons of just building on systems behind the scenes. For a time, we may only work on visibility, and then for another period, just work on engagement. A lot of businesses that follow the launch model experience this.

Some people will launch programs twice a year. For the rest of the year, they’re working on visibility, looking to get new eyeballs on their brand. Then for a shorter portion of the year, especially as they prepare for their launch, they want to touch base with their people. They want to know “the why” of their followers because that feedback might determine what they actually offer. These “seasons” aren’t all equal in length and businesses tend to switch between them at different times.

Elise initially developed the Story Seasons Method just for Instagram Stories. But we can extrapolate the idea across our entire content strategy.

  • The First Season: Visibility

How do you determine that your brand needs visibility on Instagram? You might be in an audience research phase or researching a potential product you’re making. You’re searching for clues and signs. You might just be focused on growing your warm audience. Maybe you’re on Instagram to get followers because more new eyeballs means more awareness and potential customers.

You could also be in a season of visibility if you want to be seen as an expert in your niche. Maybe you have an established business and customers, and now you want people in your industry to know you. Essentially, if you want growth, you’re in a season of visibility.

Content for Visibility
In the visibility stage, we’re creating the type of content that someone else can share because it makes them look good and makes them look informed. That exposes you to their audience, which is the best recommendation. The best testimonial or referral you can get today is when someone takes your beautiful, personally made content and they share it in their stories or they DM it to a friend. They’re highly likely to follow you as well.

When you’re in a season of visibility, it’s a great idea to include hashtags in your stories. You can include up to 10. The difference between using hashtags in your stories versus posts is that with posts, you want the hashtags to be really niche-specific. With stories, you want hashtags to be broad.

You want stories hashtags to be industry-wide because people can follow hashtags and they’re less inclined to actually follow the smaller, more niche hashtags. You’ve only got 24 hours before the story disappears and you want to get as much visibility as you can. If you use hashtags in your story, people can see it even if they’re not following you.

Three stickers are especially good for visibility in stories: location, hashtag, and mention. Elise feels like Instagram gave us these stickers purely to get new eyeballs on our profiles. If you use any one or all three of them, you’re essentially tagging another account in your story. For the mention sticker, the person mentioned will get a notification that you tagged them, and then they can reshare your story with their followers. Those are the three best story stickers to use when you’re in the season of visibility.

Finally, in covering visibility, Elise really loves IGTV for video content, especially since launching her YouTube channel in 2018. She repurposes her YouTube videos as IGTV videos. Elise initially thought it would be too repetitive to post the same video on both platforms. She was surprised when no one complained and she realized that people weren’t seeing her content across all platforms.

Now she publishes her videos on YouTube and then repurposes them on IGTV a week or so afterward. Note: There’s a duration limit of 60 minutes on IGTV uploaded from your desktop. Anything 10 minutes or less can be uploaded from your phone.

  • The Second Season: Engagement

Once you’ve reached a comfortable number of Instagram followers, that’s when you need to turn to those followers and ask for feedback. You need to engage with them so they engage with you.

The season of engagement is essentially when you need feedback from your current audience. You’re not focused on follower growth. You’re now just focused on chatting and connecting with the people who are already following you.

You might be in a season of engagement if you have a product or offer idea and you want to put it out there to confirm that people are interested in it. Maybe you want to chat with people one on one just to get a sense of where their heads are.

Content for Engagement
In the engagement season, outside of stories, you need to include a call to action in your captions.

When this idea first became popular, most people just said things like, “Like this post if…” or, “Comment on this post if…” But in 2020, the Instagram algorithm actually cares more about saves and shares. When Elise writes a caption that she hopes will generate engagement, she’ll ask people to save the post.

Often, it’s a good, info-packed post that they can reference in the future. Sometimes she’ll ask them to share the post with their fellow mom friends or with fellow business owners—whoever the audience is.

When she looks at the analytics for her posts, sometimes she’ll see that she didn’t get a lot of likes on a particular post compared to how many followers she has. But she doesn’t care about likes; what she’s looking for in her insights is who’s saving and sharing.

When you see someone’s post and you love it, there’s the little paper-airplane icon right on top of the caption. That allows you two options. One is to share that post in a story, and that’s generally how Elise crafts her content. She wants it to be the type of content that people will share to their own story. The paper airplane is also going to show a list of people you can send the story to directly via DM.

There are a few great stickers that you can use in your stories to increase engagement. One is the poll sticker, which encourages people to tap a button and engage with your story. There’s also the question sticker that allows you to write an open-ended question and people can pop in their answers.

Elise loves the countdown sticker to build anticipation for a live stream, an open cart, or even just teasing something. People can follow that countdown and get notified when it ends. There’s also the slider sticker, which is a very easy way for people to share their emotion about your story. The quiz sticker is another useful tool for getting feedback from people.

  • The Third Season: Lead Generation

Once you’ve talked to your followers, you may be ready to move into a season of lead generation. It’s one thing for someone to say they’re interested but it’s another for them to take action. Many times when we’re list-building, for example, that puts us in a season of lead generation.

Let’s say you’re preparing for a launch and you’re making a prelaunch waitlist so that those who are super-interested get first dibs. Maybe you’re just building anticipation for something to come. A lot of times with the live-launching model, you have months of visibility-type content and then you’re building leads. You want to get a list of fresh leads when you launch your new offer. That’s the season of lead generation.

After visibility, this is probably a longer season as well. Lead generation is often going on in the background, especially when you’ve set up systems in your business to generate leads.

Content for Lead Generation
Often, we’ll have a line in our bio that’s pretty vague such as, “Visit my website” or “DM me to chat.” Elise likes to generate leads through her bio by being very specific about what they can DM her. She advises thinking specific, not broad.

Let’s say you’re an astrologer. You can say in your bio, “DM me your birth date for a free reading.” That gives people a reason to send you a message. Another thing Elise loves to do is use a code in her bio or captions that allows her to track leads. To illustrate, one of Elise’s wedding-photographer clients said, “DM me ‘coffee’ for a free add-on to your package.” He could just track who messaged him “coffee” to see how many leads he was getting directly from Instagram.

The Poll option in stories is great for lead generation. Elise loves asking people yes-or-no questions on polls, but for the second option, she doesn’t use “no.” Instead, she’ll say something like, “Hey, have you grabbed my brand-new Instagram freebie?” One poll option will say “yes,” and the second one will say, “Send me the link.” She can see who responded to the poll, swipe up and see every single person who said, “Send me the link.”

Instagram puts a little paper-airplane button next to their name, which opens up a DM thread with them in the same window, allowing her to paste in the link and send it to them. DMs are so powerful for leads. There’s no limit to how many links you can send in DMs.

  • The Fourth Season: Closing Sales

You’re in a season of sales if you’re live-launching your offer. Your cart is open. You’re welcoming new students. You’re answering any last-minute questions. You’re reiterating your offer again and again. You’re letting people know about the deadline or the price increase. Whatever it is, this is where you don’t hide. You need to be clear and let your people know, “This is available; this is why you should join.”

The idea of sales can be a bit icky for people but when you’ve done all the prep work and you have an amazing offer that you know is going to solve a major pain point for people, you’ll feel excited. You’ll feel so pumped to share this with people because you know it’s going to help them. And by closing sales, you’re really answering questions and helping people get off the fence.

Elise rarely live-launches. Instead, she’s developed a lot of systems that are always running behind the scenes in her business, whether it’s a webinar funnel where she’s running ads or just driving people to an opt-in page. You can have those things set up and running in the background but just think about what your outward-facing goal is for your followers.

Content for Closing Sales
Closing sales is usually a short spurt of a season. With closing sales, the power is in the DMs. You always want to include a call to action for people to DM you. This could be in your captions or your bio but it should also be in your stories.

Elise likes to do a sequence of at least three stories for closing sales. The first story is the context of what you’re about to share. The second story is the meat—the thing that you’re sharing with them such as the fact that it’s the last day to get 25% off. The last story in this sequence needs to be a call to action simply to get people to reply to your story with any questions or comments. When they reply to your story, that’s going to create the DM thread between you, and that’s really where you’re going to close sales.

Elise also loves polls and quizzes for closing sales. The quiz sticker is a great tool to ask people what’s holding them back from joining. You probably already know the typical objections that people have. You can list all of the popular objections as quiz options and then people can choose.

You can see who chose what option and you can follow up with them in a DM based on what they chose. If they said, “This is too expensive,” you can DM them and say, “Hey Karen, I saw your answer to my quiz. I wanted to let you know I just released a payment plan, so now you can join for $97.”

If you’re not engaging with people in DMs while you’re doing a big sales push, you’re leaving money on the table. Elise has seen her students do some really smart things like tagging anyone who’s a hot lead for their product as a close friend. They then send stories to only close friends so they’ll really cultivate a deeper relationship. They’ll even take the time to DM every person who’s a close friend and manage those relationships.

Often, the majority of sales come from those relationships built there in Instagram DMs. Many times as a customer, you’re interested, you have a few questions, but when the person you’re following actually replies to you—maybe they send a voicemail or a video note—that takes the relationship to a whole new level.

Elise admits that she’s a last-minute launcher. But in an ideal world, her only job during a launch would be to show up publicly by doing lives and emails, and then spend the rest of her day just messaging people individually.

To anyone who even views her stories, she can send a message and say, “Hey, it’s Elise here. I just saw that you might be interested in joining, and I wanted to pop in and see if you had any questions for me. I’m happy to help.” That one little message makes all the difference for people to say to themselves, “You know what? I think she actually cares. She’ll treat me like a human in this online program that I’m about to buy.”

Monday 22 June 2020

Uprooting Negative Thinking | John McGrath

Coach John shares a method of uprooting deeply set negative thinking. Sometimes we can get stuck in a whirlwind of negative thoughts, but by going through these 8 D’s we can start putting the negativity behind us.
The 8 D’s:

John McGrath, a multiple black belt holder in five styles of martial arts and one of the world’s last performing strongmen, is committed to positive thoughts and interactions. John is one of Val de Vie Estate’s wellness experts and manager of the Yard Gym and owner of FitLife. 

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? A Wheelchair Designed for Hiking

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired?

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

As a quadriplegic, Álvaro Silberstein spent years believing he would never be able to visit Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park. Then, he discovered a wheelchair designed just for hiking and a whole new world opened up to him. He went off on the trip he had been dreaming about since he was a kid. Now, he’s making it possible for others with mobility issues to live out their adventures through Wheel the World.

Learn more about the organization and their initiatives here:


This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Sunday 21 June 2020

The Orphan Who Didn't Finish Grammar School Who Gave the World the Microwave Oven and Awesomer Radar

Here is an article that talks about notgiving up. Percy Summer might not have finished school but it was not a reason for him not to achieve in life. He went on to find his calling and to achieve some amazing goals.

Original text plus bonus facts here.

The microwave oven was invented by accident by a man who was orphaned and never finished grammar school.

The man was Percy Spencer.  At the age of just 18 months old, Spencer’s father died and his mother soon left him to his aunt and uncle.  His uncle then died when Spencer was just seven years old.  Spencer subsequently left grammar school and, at the age of 12, began working from sunup to sundown at a spool mill, which he continued to do until he was 16 years old.  At this time, he heard about a nearby paper mill that was “electrifying”, which intrigued him.  Given that few in his town, a remote community in Maine, knew much of anything about electricity, he began learning what he could about it and managed to become one of three people who were hired to install electricity in the plant, despite having never received any formal training in electrical engineering nor even finishing grammar school.

At the age of 18, Spencer decided to join the U.S. navy after becoming interested in wireless communications directly following learning about the wireless operators aboard the Titanic when it sank.  While with the navy, he made himself an expert on radio technology: “I just got hold of a lot of textbooks and taught myself while I was standing watch at night.”  He also subsequently taught himself: trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, physics, and metallurgy, among other subjects.

Fast-forward to 1939 where Spencer, now one of the world’s leading experts in radar tube design, was working at Raytheon as the head of the power tube division.  Largely due to his reputation and expertise, Spencer managed to help Raytheon win a government contract to develop and produce combat radar equipment for M.I.T.’s Radiation Laboratory.  This was of huge importance to the Allies and became the military’s second highest priority project during WWII, behind the Manhattan Project.  It also saw Spencer’s staff rise from 15 employees to 5000 over the course of the next few years.

One day, while Spencer was working on building magnetrons for radar sets,  he was standing in front of an active radar set when he noticed the candy bar he had in his pocket melted.  Spencer wasn’t the first to notice something like this with radars, but he was the first to investigate it.  He and some other colleagues then began trying to heat other food objects to see if a similar heating effect could be observed.  The first one they heated intentionally was popcorn kernels, which became the world’s first microwaved popcorn.  Spencer then decided to try to heat an egg.  He got a kettle and cut a hole in the side, then put the whole egg in the kettle and positioned the magnetron to direct the microwaves into the hole.  The result was that the egg exploding in the face of one of his co-workers, who was looking in the kettle as the egg exploded.

Spencer then created what we might call the first true microwave oven by attaching a high density electromagnetic field generator to an enclosed metal box.  The magnetron would then shoot into the metal box, so that the electromagnetic waves would have no way to escape, which would allow for more controlled and safe experimentation.  He then placed various food items in the box and monitored their temperature to observe the effect.

The company Spencer was working for, Raytheon, then filed a patent on October 8, 1945 for a microwave cooking oven, eventually named the Radarange.  This first commercially produced microwave oven was about 6 feet tall and weighed around 750 pounds.  The price tag on these units was about $5000 a piece.  It wasn’t until 1967 that the first microwave oven that was both relatively affordable ($495) and reasonably sized (counter-top model) became available.

John McGrath High Performance Coach

If you want to know more about John or book him for an event you can either contact us at 

Born the first of four sons, John was one of those boys who, during that time, were often not able to receive positive, empowering input towards their sense of self, life-skills, education and vocation. With the rise in unemployment and poverty, thousands of Irish fled the country for the safety of the States or the UK, leaving behind a bleak socio-economic vacuum, that was the Ireland of the 80’s. John now looks back at his roots and sees how they shaped his belief that challenges can either make or break a man; a powerful forge for transformation. It is always a choice, he says, to rather see the obstacle as a challenge to tackle with tenacity, persistence and discipline – instead of a blocking, limiting problem. It was by this very mechanism of choice that John turned his apparent ‘lack’ around into a relentless motivation to not only overcome, but triumph.

At the age of 13, John discovered the sport of rowing which radically transformed his life, seeding within him a strong conviction that he could not just be good at something, but excellent. The key to unlocking this excellence lay in making the choice to willingly submit to the intense transformational forging of ruthless, goal-focused discipline to strengthen and sharpen both body and mind, from the inside out.

The physical exertion and mental tenacity required by rowing proved to be a powerful equalizer of status. John’s rowing peers pursued law, mathematics or medicine at university, whilst he held down two humble and physically tough jobs – one as a binman and the other as a sheet-metal worker. But as always, determination outpaced dollars, and sweat washed away all status, leaving each young man as equally deserving as the next of respect and opportunity. Sport literally changed John’s identity, refining and redefining his values, goals and what it was that set him apart as uniquely excellent.

At 23, John was selected for the Irish team where they competed in Belgium, winning the International Open Championship’s gold – with his rowing career taking him around the world to Mexico, Spain and Germany. Winning a sports scholarship from the Waterford Institute of Technology allowed John to study Sport Management & Science where he could extend his sport knowledge with academic theory.

Suddenly, mid-race, he was struck with excruciating pain, his lower back betraying him with a bulging, leaking disc. Again, John made a choice: to transform the agony of his disappointment into a challenge to conquer – despite doctors and surgeons announcing his sports career over. Refusing to accept their opinion as fact, he returned to his earlier interest in the martial arts as a means to increase his mobility and strength. While his physical condition improved dramatically, he was unable to sufficiently rehabilitate himself and return to rowing.

When one door closes, another opens. John’s journey led him to new heights in his career, where he travelled between the East and West in a sort of pilgrimage, studying self-mastery and the potent power of the mind, learning how to harness the mind to push the body through the most extreme physical barriers.

Under the master tutelage of DoJuNim Ji (Bruce Lee’s teacher), John earned his black belt in Hapkido – as well as in four other styles of martial arts: Karate, Kombatan, Kung Fu and kickboxing. At 39, John fought for Ireland in the European Kickboxing Champions in Macedonia, making the semi-finals.

Whilst martial arts can be classified as a ‘sport’ due to its competitive physicality, it is intrinsically an art. Based on an ageless, universal philosophy teaching respect, discipline, hard work, sacrifice, patience and humility, this art – as with all art – requires relentless discipline, deep study, heart and dedication. Art means the application of techniques and skills – and not specifically the end product. Process is prized more than product. The beauty is in the journey itself – and not the destination, with self-discovery emerging along its path.

John’s work with organisations and individuals involves the application of these principles, with the ongoing goal of continuing improvement. One of a series of success tools John uses is goal-setting which he bases on the belting system of martial arts where the ultimate goal is divided into smaller, realistically achievable goals. Another martial arts concept John demonstrates through the ‘breaking arts’ is the breaking of barriers – particularly the fear-based, self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our authentic potential.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Leadership – When It Matters Most :: John Maxwell Hosts Simon Sinek

I'm looking for leaders with a true commitment to lead others through positive influence. Is that you? Learn how the John Maxwell Team Leadership, Coaching, Speaking, and Training Development Program can help you take your organization, leadership, and life to the next level.

Two of the great motivational, self-improvement and business development leaders get together to discuss leadership.

Here are two of their books on leadership

Friday 19 June 2020

Change Your Brain, Change Your Income - John Assaraf

You’ll learn how to identify and eliminate the conscious and subconscious blocks standing in your way... you can achieve your financial goals and dreams faster and easier than ever before.

During this free training you’ll learn these 3 Money Secrets...
  1. Retrain Your Brain And Unlock Your True Potential
  2. How To Change Your Money Story To Accelerate Your Income
  3. Eliminate The 4 Mental Obstacles Keeping You Stuck
And a whole lot more

Get John's Book

Thursday 18 June 2020

What Makes People Successful? - Ali Abdaal

In the first episode of Book Club - a series where we take an in-depth look at a particular book every fortnight - we're talking about The Unfair Advantage by Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba. We look at the equation for success, the MILES framework for identifying our Unfair Advantages, the value of understanding our Unfair Advantages, how everyone has their own Unfair Advantages and the importance of a reality-growth mindset running throughout it all. Enjoy!

📚 The Unfair Advantage (on Amazon)

0:45 The Success Equation
02:30 The MILES Framework
07:45 What's the value of understanding Unfair Advantages?
08:20 What if people don't think they have any Unfair Advantages?
09:50 The Importance of Mindset

🌍 My website / blog -

🎥 My YouTube Camera Gear -

Tuesday 16 June 2020

The Real Connection Online Summit 3 - Free Summit

16+ Expert Presentations & Interviews Over 2 Days

These are sure trying times for a lot of people all over the world. We are all so uncertain and confused by the craziness brought on by this Pandemic. All I know is that when it is past we will see the good that it somehow will bring. As Maslow said, no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides. Let's hope the other side is amazing.

With this in mind I reached out to many of my friends around the world and said why don't we come together to help people in these challenging times while so much of the world is in lockdown.

I was truly amazed by how many teachers and coaches have come together so quickly to put this truly unique online event together. We actually had to add a day to accommodate everyone. Thank you to them all for their dedication to making a difference in peoples lives. This is now probably one of the greatest personal and business development events ever put on.

So join us on the 20 and 21 June 2020 while most of the world is locked down, as we share how to deal with this challenging time, and make the most of it in many ways. Relationships, Health, Business, Income, Wealth, Psychology, Mindset... we will cover it all.

It is 100% free so get your spot now.




Brian Walsh is considered a leading authority on entrepreneurship and human behaviour. He is the founder of The REAL Entrepreneur and the host of this event. He will share the secrets of how he went from struggling to becoming a multi-millionaire and living his dream. He will also share how you can stop being the slave to your business and get it to serve you in achieving true wealth, meaning and freedom in your life.



Stedman Graham is an American educator, author, businessman, speaker, and podcaster. He is the long-term partner of Oprah Winfrey.

He is a global expert in leadership creation.



Peter Sage is a well-known international serial entrepreneur, best-selling author and expert in human behaviour. He is a highly sought-after speaker and coach and has spoken on five continents, sharing the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson and President Bill Clinton.

Due to his depth of experience, teaching style and unique way of looking at life, Peter’s seminars and programmes have frequently been ranked amongst the most impactful in the world.



Dr. John Demartini is a world renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator. He has developed a series of solutions applicable across all markets, sectors and age groups.



Joseph Michelli is an American psychologist, speaker, and author. He started his career as a psychologist in 1988. Since 2004, he has written business books, including The Starbucks Experience, The New Gold Standard, Prescription for Excellence, and Driven to Delight.



Jean-Pierre (JP) is a professional speaker inspiring companies and individuals to perform at their best. He has captivated audiences around the world, speaking about his passion for living a peak performance life with more health, energy and success.



Itzik Amiel (attorney-at-law) is the Global Leading Authority on Attention Networking and Relationship Capital; Author; International Professional Speaker; Power Networker; Founder & CEO, EyeRon Group [International Expansion Group] and Power Networking Academy.



Oksana is a personal consultant, Demartini Method Facilitator and Demartini Values Facilitator. She uses the Demartini Method®, a revolutionary personal transformation tool, to take her clients from sacrificing their dreams for others to being in the driver's seat of their inspired life.



Robin Banks is one of the world’s leading authorities on Mind Power and Personal Mastery. He is an extremely successful entrepreneur who has also used Social Media to grow his businesses globally. He will share life changing techniques to help you use your mind to achieve almost anything you want in your life.



On a mission to help people live better quality lives by educating them on the necessary skills and tools required to thrive. There are underlying principles to success and my passion is in helping others feel it for themselves! I specialise in helping full time professionals that are ready to add full time ‘thriving’ to their resume.



Allan Kleynhans is in high demand as an outstanding International Speaker and high-end Performance Coach. With a vast amount of experience accumulated over three decades, he is also highly skilled as a Training Facilitator. His area of expertise includes self-awareness, leadership and communication. Allan is direct, transparent and thought-provoking with an intense and authentic style.



So many people have suffered because they are so far from financially free. Learn how Richard became financially free by 24 on the back of a major recession and how you can turn this crisis into a financial victory.

Richard Harrington is is a globally renowned life and wealth coach. He has helped thousands of people change their behaviour with money and set themselves on a path to complete financially freedom.



Billy Selekane is truly a great motivator and inspirator, we were truly challenged and motivated by his talk." - Force Khashane: Editor, Drum Magazine.

Billy Selekane is an author, internationally acclaimed inspirational keynote speaker, personal, team and organizational effectiveness specialist and a businessman.



With over 15 years experience, transforming the lives of more than a million people, Jeff's goal is to help leaders scale their businesses to the next level by maximising their potential to sell one on one and from stage.

He has personally shared  the stage with other incredible thought leaders like Sir Richard Branson, Dr. John Demartini, Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins.



Vumile Msweli is a multi-award winning woman who founded pan-African coaching and consulting firm Hesed Consulting which has presence in Africa. Vumile was selected by the Women’s Economic Forum as a Women of excellence;  awarded CEO magazine’s Pan-African most influential woman in business, named one of the top 200 most influential young South Africans under the age of 35 by the Mail and Guardian



LinkedIn is one of the most under-utilised platforms in Social Media. But it is the best for generating high quality leads over and over again. Matt will share how to do this and use this amazing tool effectively.

Matt Clark loves sales and marketing, and he gets to do it every day. Matt works with the world’s leading marketers and his business Virtual Edge has hundreds of clients from all over the world.

Monday 15 June 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? Ireland’s Matchmaker Has Made Love Connections for 50 Years

The Ultimate Job Skills and Personal Development 135 Course Bundle.

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

This week I decided to post a story that is a little more amusing.

Tired of Tinder? Throwing everything you catch on PlentyOfFish right back into the dating pool? Is Hinge making you feel unhinged? Okay, we’ll stop. You probably get where we’re going by now—this is a story about finding love the old-fashioned way. Meet Willie Daly. He is a professional matchmaker in County Clare, Ireland. He’s been making matches for over 50 years, following in the steps of his father and his grandfather. When it comes to finding love, timing is everything, according to this expert. And a little drinking at the local pub can’t hurt.

This Great Big Story was inspired by Genesis:

The Ultimate Job Skills and Personal Development 135 Course Bundle.

#Irish #Matchmaker #Genesis

The Ultimate Job Skills and Personal Development 135 Course Bundle.

This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Saturday 13 June 2020

Why I Walked Out on Tony Robbins - Noah Kagan

I found this article and I totally loved it. It is what I was talking about the other day when I said that not every motivational speaker and self help guru works with you. Even the most famous have their critics.

This blogger is a great example of that. He really did not find that Tony Robbins worth the money that he spent on him. Other people think that Tony is worth a lot more than what they have paid for his Unleash the Power Within seminar.

Pick your coach and don't just go for the person that everyone goes for.

Here is the original article, below is the article minus all his pictures.

After paying $2,000 for a ticket to Unleash the Power Within…

After the 3-hour flight out to California…

After fully committing, with a completely open heart…

I walked out of Tony Robbins' seminar.

In this post, I will share why I went to Tony's event, what it was like, and why I walked out. I will also show you what I did after I left, and what I learned from the whole experience.

If you're skeptical of friends who say, "You have to go see Tony Robbins..."

If you're on the fence about Unleash the Power Within ($2,000) or Date with Destiny ($5,000)...

This article is for you.

"But doesn't everyone LOVE Tony Robbins' events? Are you just a hater?"
I know the diehard fans -- the self-proclaimed Cult of Robbins who "drink the Kool-Aid" -- are already having doubts about this article.

"This guy wasn't truly committed. He didn't do the work, because he was afraid. Now he just wants to act like he's more enlightened than everyone else."

None of that is true.

Here's what you should know about me…

I have a ton of respect for Tony Robbins. I've read (or listened to) several of his books. I'm amazed by what he does (I recently shared how he gets 1 million visitors per month), and wanted to experience his coaching in person. A lot of my friends are big TR fans, and they all gave strong endorsements for UPW.

I'm not "better than you" for walking out. I'm not writing this because I'm a sophisticated aristocrat who turns his nose up at self-help groups. At many points in my life, I've been a total mess. I've written about depression and addiction. I wrote about the most embarrassing and painful period of my life (then I published a book about it).

I put in the work. I've had a ton of failures, and a few huge successes, because I'm constantly trying new things. Like how I built an 8-figure business. Or how I intentionally gained 40 pounds in 2015, then got into the best shape of my life in 2016. It wasn't easy to eat so much food, or to go to the gym every week, but I put in the effort to reach my goals. (You can read more about my goals in 2020).

I've read hundreds of books and taken action, because I am 100% in on improving myself. (Here are 18 books that changed my life). I've also publicly documented my self-improvement journey for the last 15 YEARS. If that's not "doing the homework," I don't know what is.

I've attended a lot of paid seminars before, and loved them. A few events that changed my life were Gayle Hendricks' Big Leap event and David Deida's workshop. Both were three days long, 5–8 hours per day. I didn't even consider walking out of either. I've even hosted my own seminars! Last September, my company AppSumo hosted our second annual conference, with over 200 attendees. I'm astonished Tony hosts events for 10,000 people at a time.

This article isn't "fear-driven." I committed to the event for seven hours. The only thing I was afraid of was wasting more time. Besides, I believe in helping people overcome their biggest fears -- like talking to strangers, or starting a company. I now have had time to reflect on this experience.

Finally, Tony Robbins is one of my customers. In addition to Appsumo, I run a sister company called Sumo. Tony's team uses our products. Do you really think I'm dumb enough to bash one of my highest profile customers? Hell no. This article is written with love.

In other words…

I'm not hating on Tony Robbins, or people who love his events.

I'm just defending a viewpoint few people ever bring up in public: the negative experience.

Most people are hesitant to talk about experiences that make us sound foolish. We diminish our losses, we downplay the bad stuff -- especially if it goes against the crowd.

Think of Vegas.

Hardly anyone says, "I lost $2,000. It was a waste of time and money."

We always say, "It was fun! Almost broke-even. Hashtag WORTH IT."

For me, UPW wasn't worth it.

My Experience at "Unleash The Power Within"
In the days that lead up to the event, I felt nervous. The discomfort was reassuring.

I'm going in the right direction.

The two areas of my life I most wanted to tackle during the event were:

How to better position myself to be in great relationships.
How to create a work environment that continually motivates and excites me.
Before the seminar began, I had a chance to talk with my neighbors. One was a recovering Jehovah's witness. The other was transitioning jobs in Los Angeles. We had a nice discussion about why we were there, what our struggles were, and what we hoped to get out of the seminar.

Tony's presentation skills were incredible. The guy has been doing this for 30 years, so I expected him to be good. He was great.

Some of the things Tony did really well:

He encouraged us to meet our neighbors and keep each other excited.
He kept participation super high. He continually asked everyone to raise their hand and say "I" if they agreed. He also let the audience finish a lot of his sentences ("The truth will set you ____").
He challenged us: "I'll deliver but you have to promise to commit. If you sit down during the dancing, then you aren't committed, and you aren't going to get what you came for. Play full out with me."
He repeated things over and over to drive points home and increase retention. He also backed up his claims with statistics.
He told great stories and incorporated a lot of humor.
Of course, there were some things he did NOT do so well…

At times, he was all over the place. "Let's work on what you're afraid of… Now let's talk about how to get anything you want… Focus, mean it, do it!"
There was conflict of interest. There's a day where we talk about health and nutrition... and then he sells supplements. Tony also mentions his other events, and encourages you to sign up for more seminars during the middle of UPW.
He name-dropped and bragged constantly. Credibility markers are essential for a presenter to be taken seriously -- especially with an audience of 10,000 people. And we all know Tony has done some amazing things. But the number of times he mentioned his relationships with presidents, celebrities, and business people was overkill. We get it  —  you have a private jet.
Finally, Tony has the weirdest clap I've ever seen.

In the first few hours of the seminar, we danced (a lot), massaged our neighbors, fanned our neighbors, did aerobic exercises, pumped our fists, watched Tony run through the audience like some idol, and other ra-ra tactics.

Still, these were minor annoyances. Those come with any event. None were deal-breakers.

But as the day unfolded, I began to question whether this seminar was a good use of my time.

Listen to our podcast
Want more personal development stories, like what I learned from Tony? Check out my podcast
Tony called on people in the front row and recited their names. Which made it seem like he knew everyone in the audience, though I'm sure they were his VIP ($75K per year) customers.
He called on John.

"What's your issue, John?"

John wasn't loved.

Here was Tony's response:

Everyone in the crowd faces that issue.
John should come up with a new name. "Edward."
"Edward" walk towards Tony like a bad-ass.
Tell Tony you are unleashed (basically).
Everyone in the audience say "I love you, John."
Problem solved.

Of course, no one expected Tony to solve John's emotional issues with some light role-play and applause. The whole sequence was superficial (and entertaining).

Still, John clearly has deeper issues around his family. He wasn't loved enough.

What then?

I wanted John and Tony to go deep.

I wanted to go deep.

I wanted to do the hard work we needed to do.

Then we had to massage our neighbors. Again.

Okay, I understand we need to break through social discomfort and energize ourselves, but I don't enjoy random dudes touching me.

Hour 7…

I looked at the agenda for the next three days.

Nutrition. Interesting.

Then booklet work.

For two days.

I looked back over my notes.

Sure, there were some great takeaways, like...

Dedicate time every week to work on yourself. Reflect upon whether you are growing, and making progress.

What are you scared of right now? How can you move towards that? Discomfort is your growth!

Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.

Look at things from appreciation and gratitude. Instead of complaining about traffic, appreciate that we have cars to get us to places faster.

Modeling is valuable. Study and replicate the people that have already figured out what you want to do.

What's a goal that excites you? What goal would genuinely energize you immediately?

What distractions are holding you back from your goals? Remove them.

These are his quotes I turned into instagram memes.

"No growth in comfort."

"Success is how much uncertainty you can deal with."

"Your worst day can be your best day"

"Complexity is the enemy of execution."

"Have hunger that's insatiable, always expanding."

It finally hit me. Dread.

I was officially dreading the rest of the seminar.

To stay for three full days felt like a self-imposed prison, rather than an opportunity to genuinely grow.

I thought about what I most wanted to get out of my time, and whether this event was the best use of it. I decided it would be better for me to work on my specific issues, one-on-one with a friend.

So, I walked out.

Did I feel embarrassed? Yes.

Did I feel disappointed? Yes.

But what I really felt, more than anything else…


Empowered to make choices about what I want, and empowered to turn down the things I don't.

What I Did After I Left
Rather than fly home, I planned a "Personal Development Day." Here's what I did the following day:

Drank coffee
Went on a 3-hour hike to discuss personal and professional growth with a friend
90-minute personal development discussion (recorded on video)
Ate a healthy lunch
Reviewed some of Tony's other materials
Read a book
60-minute discussion with my mastermind group, where I shared some of my biggest issues
Got a massage
Sushi dinner

Get my Personal Development Day checklist

This may have been the best part about Tony's personal development seminar -- it forced me to create my own.

Final Thoughts
Tony has great intentions, a strong presence, and it's clear most of his attendees feel the event is worth the investment. I am in the minority, who asked for a refund.

A quick Google search shows his net worth in the several hundreds of millions. So luckily my refund request didn't break the bank.

For many of his attendees, it seems there are deep-seated issues with a lack of love, and the belief that they are not enough.

If you struggle with those issues, then Tony's seminars might change your life.

For a few days, you will feel loved.

For a few days, you will feel like you are enough.

That's intoxicating, and many attendees (understandably) go back for more.

For my friends, the seminar was overwhelmingly positive and deeply moving. For me, it felt superficial and cheesy.

I don't plan on attending another Tony Robbins' event. But I would, if his team made a few big changes:

More time to talk with the people around us. The most valuable time, for me, was when we shared our lives with each other. We all attended for personal development, and we all faced similar challenges. Bonding over common ground was great, and I wish there was more time dedicated to it.
Shorten the seminar to just ONE day. Less dancing, less hoopla, less fluff... Just get to the meat. We wouldn't need to be "awakened" every 20 minutes if the event didn't take so long. (Then again, maybe it's dragged out to create the sense that we got our money's worth.)

Focus. The seminar felt too general. I know it's impossible to custom-tailor an event for 10,000 people, but more specific topics would have helped.

My good friend Tynan said it best:

"If you never quit, you probably aren't trying enough new things."

I don't regret attending Tony's seminar.

Nor do I regret walking out.

Thursday 11 June 2020

What to Do When You Want to Give Up | Simon Sinek

What gives us the courage to keep going when we want to give up? It’s the people around us. This Mindset Moment is a reminder that courage is external. Knowing that someone has our back is enough to get us past the seemingly impossible.

Symbols serve as a reminder of who we are and what we believe.

Simon is an unshakable optimist who believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. With a bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single day feeling inspired, feel safe at work, and feel fulfilled at the end of the day, Simon is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and Find Your Why. His new book, The Infinite Game, will be released in 2019.

Simon’s WHY: To inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, each of us can change our world for the better.