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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Give Yourself Permission To Be A Entrepreneur | Dr John Demartini


Why can't you be successful? Why can't you create opportunities for yourself and for others?

Be an entrepreneur, grow the economy, help out with employment, create opportunities for others by becoming an entrepreneur. 

The most important part to being an entrepreneur is that it is up to you to create opportunities for yourself. Learn from others, create your own selling point and keep on growing and learning otherwise others will overtake you.

Jeff Bezos - How I surpassed $200 Billion (Business Talk)


How do the top earners make their money?

It is always interesting to see how other people make their money, how they believe in themselves and what they have to offer. I get a lot of people telling me that I should not do what I am looking to do because others have not done it.

Believe in what you want to do, believe in yourself, believe in your offer and make it happen. 

You need to weigh up the opportunity cost of what you want to do and what you will lose if you want to do it. If you are not prepared to do what it takes then look for something else, something that you are more prepared to do. Look at your values but then do not get jealous of others for what they have achieved because they have made the sacrifices that you were not prepared to make and did not make the sacrifices that you made.

Sunday 25 October 2020

How important is communication to developing an economy? Will Starlink Satellite enable the world's economies grow?

How important is communication to developing an economy? 

Will Starlink Satellite enable the world's economies grow?

What will that mean to you as an individual?

Global communication is of utmost importance to growing a global company but there are also opportunities for people to create industry in a smaller degree. How are you going to take advantage of these changes and will it make life better for you.

On the educational side it will hopefully give kids the opportunity to educate themselves and give them a better chance in life. However there are a lot of communities without water and electricity. If these communities are able to tap into this network they will be able to get opportunities that they would never have been able to get.

Sunday 18 October 2020

Why you don't have enough money

There are many ways that we waste our income. For some of us we only live from hand to mouth and there is no way for you to change but the majority of us find creative ways to spend our well earned cash and are not able to save.

Here are 3 traps that we fall into.

Lifestyle inflation - we all have dreams about things that we will buy when get a little more money. We work hard, get an increase and spend the increase and don't see the benefits of making more money. We are not better off than before the increase. Recently I went to see some friends in one of the more affluent areas in Johannesburg. They had an impressive house, impressive staff to help them keep the house in order but they had less disposable  income than what I had and their savings were less than mine. They had fallen into the trap.

Pay yourself first - We need to put away at least 10% of our salaries into various funds that can help you earn more than just keeping it in the bank. Speak to a financial advisor and put your money away before you get your hands on the money. Putting money in a savings account also doesn't help those of us that fall for the temptation to use that money. Put it somewhere where it is out of sight and not that easy to get back.

Consumer traps - But 3 and only pay for 2, we have all seen this kind of special or discount that we think is awesome and we take advantage of that. Do you need that special? Is the product something that you need? If I am looking for a certain thing and I see it on special I will but it but if I am not looking for it I will not buy it. That is my best recommendation. People fall for the trap countless times and end up with multiple purchases of the same thing that they don't need more of. Avoid these traps.

Friday 16 October 2020

Why LOSING YOUR JOB Can Be The Best Thing To HAPPEN FOR YOU | Jay Shetty


How many people, after losing their jobs go through that same thing that this lady went through? Are you one of those people? During the lockdown, when you were not able top work, did you do something similar to this?

The first time I was retrenched I was also very similar to this lady, the second time I had already learnt my lesson. Now during the coronavirus I used my time positively and creatively. How did you use your time?

For me losing a job, losing a client etc... are all lessons that we need to learn to become better and to ground ourselves. There is not successful company that has not gone through tough times but it is how we bounce back that defines us.

How do you want to be defined?

Friday 9 October 2020

Overcome The Fear of Public Speaking | Dr John Demartini


I always had a problem with public speaking. I hated it at school, I hated it after school, I even refused to speak at a friend's wedding because of how much I was scared.

Now I speak on TV, Radio and in many public spaces. I have no problem getting out there and expressing myself.

I lot of the problems that people have in public speaking comes from what they learn at school and that was my problem. There is no reason why you should be scared. We can all do it. 

Thursday 8 October 2020

Self-Reflective Awareness | Dr John Demartini


Are you aware of who you are and what you are capable of doing?

Are you letting others dictate to you who you are?

Does life catch up to you and stop you from being the person that you are meant to be?

Walmart Triples Down on Tesla Semi, Ford Cuts Prices on Mustang Mach-E


The world of the automobile manufacturing has changed considerably in the last couple of months. Tesla is doing well but there is a lot of competition from all sides. The quality of the offering is becoming better and cheaper. 

Where will the industry take us in the near future, should you be investing in this industry? Who should you invest in. Some companies will make you money others will not.

Friday 2 October 2020

How Your Perceptions Affect Your Health | Dr John Demartini


It is a well known fact that perceptions, stress etc... can have an affect on your health. Here John talks about his Values Factor to help you with your perceptions. 

I am still busy on my journey on the Values Factor and I am learning a lot about myself.

Did you know that your perceptions of your reality can affect your physiology? Dr John Demartini shares insights into how your perceptions affect your health and wellbeing. Understand how the symptoms of the body are giving you feedback and how balancing your psychology will bring balance to your physiology.
00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Perceptions of support and challenge
01:40 - Diabetics, hypoglycemic
02:34 - Thyroid Function
03:16 - Hormones
04:04 - Illness is feedback
05:43 - Balanced psychology for balanced physiology

Jay & Radhi Shetty ANSWER Some Of the Most REQUESTED RELATIONSHIP Questions


I find it odd that there have been so many relationships that have broken up in this Coronavirus period, I think that the big question is "How well do you know your partner?"

Some relationships were already on their way out so the virus just sped it up but others looked to be rock solid until this happened. Finances can put a lot of strain on relationships.

The good news is that for some of us our relationships proved that they are very strong.

Do you know your partner well? It is interesting to see Jay and Radhi talk about how well they know each other.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Adidas vs Puma - The Family Argument That Gave Rise to Sports Marketing


From making shoes in the laundry room to global power in sports: This is the story of a rivalry between two brothers who pioneered sports marketing with their relentless drive to be the best.

⏱ Timestamps ⏱ 00:00 Introduction 00:45 Dassler Brothers' Shoe Factory 03:18 The Olympics & World War II 04:55 The Birth Of Two Global Brands 06:55 A New Chapter of Sports Marketing 08:20 Adidas & Puma Today

Steve Jobs in 2003 - Tablets are doomed to Fail


In hindsight tablets are fantastic and they were a thing of the future but as Steve Jobs said, they need to be used. In 2003 there were a lot of people that preferred to use their laptops in meeting and I prefer to use a laptop now but there are a lot of other people that use their tablets as their primary computers. 

How do you take advantage of your technology?

Here are some links to a couple of products from Apple.
