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Sunday 31 May 2020

There Is No Going Back to Normal | Simon Sinek

One of the things an infinite mindset provides is a calm confidence. Those of us who embrace an infinite mindset can actually come out of hard times better off than when we entered.

Simon spoke with Dr. Jarik Conrad of Ultimate Software about the benefits adopting an infinite mindset brings in times that force us to adapt.

Simon is an unshakable optimist who believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. With a bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single day feeling inspired, feel safe at work, and feel fulfilled at the end of the day, Simon is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and Find Your Why. His new book, The Infinite Game, will be released in 2019.

Simon’s WHY: To inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, each of us can change our world for the better.

Live Online Classes:

Saturday 30 May 2020

Best Insights from Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Aristotle, Eckhart Tolle, Joe Rogan &More

Some of the best lessons learned by "After School" in the last 4 years since their inception and to celebrate their 1 million subscribers.

What better way to celebrate 1 million subscribers then to review the very best lessons learned thus far? This animation highlights some of the insights that inspired After Skool. The goal of this channel is to enhance the most profound ideas with art AND get you to question things. This video features: Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins, David Foster Wallace, Eckhart Tolle, Will Smith, Simon Sinek, Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, Elon Musk, Joseph Campbell and Aristotle. Get the After Skool Kid's Book - Why Don't Country Flags Use The Color Purple? - Get in touch via Please support on Patreon -

Friday 29 May 2020

Weekly roundup about what happened this week and what is coming next week on ICE Mentorship Blog Ep1

I get asked a lot of questions about myself and the speakers that I promote so I have decided that, on Fridays, I should answer questions and talk about why I chose certain topics during the week and what are the topics that you can look forward to in the upcoming week.

Below are the links to the posts that I spoke about during my chat.

One correction is that the one speaker that I was talking about is Justin Cohen not Michael Cohen, sorry Justin.

  1. Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? The 14-Year-Old CEO
  2. Tony Robbins On The Day He Became Rich
  3. The Ultimate Work management System with Faizel Mohidin
  4. Introduction to the six laws of the mind ~ by John Kehoe

Thursday 28 May 2020

Introduction to the six laws of the mind ~ by John Kehoe

John Kehoe, #1 best-selling author teaches the 6 laws of the mind. These laws are integral to learn and understand when you begin to work with the powers of the mind.

 Robin Banks is the only other person that has been approved to train John's Mind Power courses. he has recently run his first completely online course and if busy preparing for another course. As soon as I get more detail I will post them on the Facebook page.

1 – Thoughts Are Real Forces - The first law of the mind: thoughts are real forces. Every thought we think is a force, an energy, and is having an effect in our life. 2 – The Law of Transmission - the second law is the law of transmission. The law of transmission states that the mind is a sending and receiving station of thought. You see, the thoughts that we think don’t remain within our mind. Actually, energetically they’re traveling through the energy grid system of all reality, creating causes and having effects. 3 – The Law of Attraction - Law number three is the law of attraction. And that states that thoughts that are emotionalized, thoughts that are thought with emotion, act like a magnet attracting similar and like thoughts. 4 – The law of control - The fourth law is the law of control. The law of control states that we are forever thinking thoughts – but we have the power and the ability to either entertain them or dismiss them. 5 – The law of insertion - The fifth law is the law of insertion. It states that we have the power and the ability to insert any thought of any type into our mind. Every day I think thoughts of happiness and inner peace. 6 – The law of connection - The final law is the law of connection. The law of connection states that the inner and outer worlds are connected. The inner world is the world of our thoughts. The outer world is the world of the circumstances and situations that happen to us.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

The Ultimate Work management System with Faizel Mohidin

This week's interview is with Faizel Mohidin. He has got years of experience in business, running large teams, managing teams, training people how to run teams and assisting companies with marketing.

Faizel will chat us through some of his programs but if you want more details follow Faizel at the below links. Faizel is passionate in helping others and you will be able to hear it in his interview as he talks about his journey and his various offerings.

Fazel is an Agile, Kanban and Mindmap coach and he will also assist you with your marketing.

Tony Buzan Books

Kanban and Agile Books


Tuesday 26 May 2020

Tony Robbins On The Day He Became Rich

Tony Robbins talks about the day he became rich. He worked his way up from not having any money and eventually became one of the worlds top motivational speakers and business gurus.

In this speech he talks about bigger things than money and how giving can come back with interest as long as you give for the right reasons.

He became rich because of a shift in his mind, the gift to richness is giving.

Get his book Unshakeable

Monday 25 May 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? The 14-Year-Old CEO

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

Like anyone who runs a startup, Hillary Yip spends a lot of time developing investor pitch decks, executing marketing plans and conferring with customers. But she has to do all of this after she finishes her homework. She is just 14 years old, after all. Yip, who lives in Hong Kong, is the founder and CEO of Minor Mynas, a language learning app for kids. Yip got the idea for the company after she learned how to speak Mandarin at summer camp. We scheduled a meeting with the busy entrepreneur to find out what it’s like to be a boss.

This Great Big Story was made possible by LEGO:

#Kids #Entrepreneur #Connection

This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram:
Make our acquaintance on Facebook:
Give us a shout on Twitter:
Come hang with us on Vimeo:
Visit our world directly:

Sunday 24 May 2020

Brandon Bays and Kevin Billet live this Sunday on Facebook

Brandon Bays has a live Global Gathering on Facebook

The Journey - Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett

Sunday, May 24 at 11am UK time

For a Live Global Gathering:


More than ever, this is an important time for our global family to come together to address these life-affecting issues. It is time to clear some of the emotional debris, the residue of shutdown. It is time to emerge from the fallout with a sense of clarity and purpose.

Remember, if you have areas you would like help with, please leave a comment on The Journey Facebook page and I may be able to address them during our session. Then together we will co-create this powerful and much needed live event.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Financial Empowerment During a Pandemic

Dr John Demartini has various financial tips for you for the Coronavirus lockdown and thoughts about financial freedom. 

Get Your Finances on Track in Times of Challenge. Watch this exclusive and inspired session where Dr. Demartini covers questions like, What advice do you have regarding investment during this pandemic? Would you recommend that we borrow cash to invest? What about the people that did not prepare for this time? and so much more.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Become Someone Nobody Thought You Could Be. Not Even You! Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

This video will get your juices flowing. Extremely motivational.

This video was posted by Team Fearless on YouTube and the transcript is on their webpage

That is exactly what YOU need to do… if you want to have great success AND live a GREAT LIFE. You have to BECOME someone else.
You have to become someone NOBODY thought you could be. Not even you.

You have to leave the little-mind mentality you grew up with. You have to drop the negativity you have towards successful people. Drop the negativity you have towards hard work,
 and drop the negativity you have towards sacrifice.

You must RISE into this NEW person.

YOU WILL NOT STOP until you become EVERYTHING you’ve ever dreamed of and so much more!

That kind of person doesn’t procrastinate. They just do. They just dive in head first.They learn the lessons, they apply lessons and turn them into BLESSINGS!
That type of person doesn’t stop at failure. They don’t stop at ANY number of setbacks. They find solutions. They are always learning, listening and growing – and they are certainly never STOPPING.

Rest if you must. Don’t you dare stop.

That type of person doesn’t listen to others opinions… unless… UNLESS they are VALUABLE. Listen, sometimes you have to take on criticism and APPLY it. You must be smart and strong enough to ignore the haters and ignore the negativity that is NOT valuable. Some people just hate for no reason. FOCUS all your energy on YOUR end goal.

For the rest of the transcript go to Team Fearless

Get the motivational speech on your phone: iTunes: Spotify: GooglePlay: Apple Music: AmazonMP3: WORLDWIDE MP3 Download: Become Someone Nobody Thought You Could Be - NOT EVEN YOU! Transcript Of Words: Speakers: Chris Ross: Bryan Burton: Leonard Sicilian Filming By: Indie Creative Agency Heidi Liang - and Shawn Xiao - Cast: Chudier Gatwech - Bradley Hall - Cat Ridout - Juan David Ocampo - Yulia Juli - Karl Nevin - Alex Cheong - - Follow Fearless Motivation for DAILY MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS and other content: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Soundcloud: FEARLESS MOTIVATION Official Apparel & Merch store: BACKGROUND MUSIC by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals: iTunes: GooglePlay: Spotify: AmazonMP3: Worldwide MP3 Download: Music is Copyright Fearless Motivation, Created by Patrick Rundblad:

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Interviewing owner of Life in a Garden and other businesses Mandi Friedman

Mandi, like many business owners, has faced a lot of challenges in her business but she is always able to grow and adapt. Every time she is forced into a change she comes out stronger and better and through her perseverance she has managed to shape her businesses into something that she really enjoys. With the coronavirus Mandi has had to make changes to her business once again and she did not let technology hold her back. This is Mandi's story

Tuesday 19 May 2020

10 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Learn About Their Business by Tomer Bar-Zeev

Tomer Bar-Zeev - CEO and Co-Founder of ironSource
Original Extract

I co-founded a company 10 years ago, and in that decade we've closed seven M&As, expanded our operations, dramatically increased revenue and forged strategic partnerships. But of course this journey had its fair share of highs and lows. Here are 10 things I've learned that I think can be helpful to any entrepreneur.

Know when to say no to a deal
Early on, an investor offered $25 million to acquire ironSource, even upping the bid to $40 million two months later. We turned the offer down. When you’re in this position, it’s critical to deeply question yourself and to be brutally honest. I certainly was. If your goal is to create something and then move on to your next challenge once your business grows beyond a certain point, then saying yes to a deal makes perfect sense. But if you believe in the long-term potential of your company and are someone who genuinely wants to see your vision through its different growth cycles, then don’t be afraid to hang on. You’ll be in for quite the ride.

Inorganic growth is unavoidable if you want to build a long-term business
At first, organic growth might seem like a viable long-term strategy, but relying on it alone simply doesn’t cut it in today’s fast-paced, competitive market. From very early on, we knew that the only way our company could grow and compete was to be aggressive about strategic M&As. Organic growth should be a fundamental building block of every company’s trajectory, but it can't be the only element.

Buy based on DNA, not (only) on numbers
Our approach to acquisitions is largely shaped by the culture of the acquired or merged company, due to my belief that numbers don’t tell the whole story. We look for a fundamental alignment of interests as well as a shared DNA. Focusing on acquiring companies that share our vision has meant that the executives from these deals have, in most cases, stayed on board. Consider looking beyond spreadsheets and into the culture of the team at the other company. If there’s a common DNA that will strengthen your journey forward, then you’re headed in the right direction.

Create a culture that enables radical trust
I believe that trust — not just standard trust, but radical trust — is the best way to get the most out of talented employees and push your company forward. When I say radical trust, I mean letting your trusted employees run with their visions and exercise their strengths. It is something that we apply to all areas of our company. It has led us to many failed ventures, but more importantly, it has delivered products and concepts that have become essential to its core. Creating and maintaining a culture of radical trust ensures that each and every one of your team members feel empowered and have the confidence and resources they need to leverage their strengths in an environment that radically supports them.

Don’t wait for someone else to make the right decision
Contrary to popular belief, good things don’t always come to those who wait. In 2017, we launched ironWeekend, an initiative that gives employees an extra day off over the weekend every quarter. The government in Israel, where we're based, had been considering legislating something like this for a while, but why wait for something you believe in? We rolled the concept out across all of our global offices, and three years later ironWeekend is still flourishing. Never wait for someone else to make the right decision for you.

Have pointless conversations
Communication in genuine and unceremonious ways builds valuable and interesting connections. As important as it is to have actionable discussions that propel your company forward, it’s equally as important to have interactions with no set goal. In a world where every second of every day is optimized, invest in building real human connections. Having pointless conversations with employees will help you get to know them on a personal basis, learn what drives them and discover their interests. Pointless conversations are somewhat of a rarity these days, but conversations are the building blocks of strong relationships.

Daughters know best
While traveling in the car with my daughter, I was on loudspeaker with a colleague who was putting pressure on me to go to an event that I was resisting attending. My daughter was paying attention (unbeknownst to me) and blurted out that the event sounded important to my colleague, and “if you help him now, he’ll help you out one day when you need something.” Important lesson learned from my 8-year-old.

In negotiations, know your red line
Human nature is such that the more emotionally invested we get into something and the more time we dedicate to it, the further we’ll go to get it and the harder it is to stick to our boundaries. If you’re in negotiations without pre-setting limits with yourself then, guaranteed, you will end up crossing the line and be disappointed with yourself later on. No matter what you’re negotiating, it’s always important to remember where you need to draw the line. And it’s equally as important to know your limits (but not to share it with others of course). Set boundaries, be disciplined and you’ll be able to come out of most negotiations well.

In times of crisis, be flexible
As the current situation has taught me, it’s critical to be open-minded and flexible when the unknown hits you. Take internal mobility as an example. Although some roles in the company have technically disappeared or are experiencing a very reduced workload, I’m working with my team to see how we can reallocate our manpower to teams who need extra support with those who aren’t at full capacity. Not everyone will be a perfect match, but it allows us to retain our employees, which is massively important while we weather this storm. What’s more, it creates an opportunity for someone to try and potentially excel in an area of the business they would otherwise never have exposure to.

Don’t take yourself too seriously
...but do take your work very seriously. This is a deceptively simple formula that I try to live by, and that has trickled through ironSource to become a defining characteristic of our DNA. People who take themselves seriously are exhausting to be around. You spend time managing their ego as opposed to focusing on what really matters or what’s most interesting. And people who don’t take their work seriously are ultimately people who aren’t striving for excellence, aren’t focused on looking at the bigger picture and aren't thinking about how to do better tomorrow.

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? He Could be the First American Amputee in the Olympics

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

Being born without lower legs didn’t keep Blake Leeper from playing baseball and basketball when he was a kid. After being fitted with prosthetic limbs, Leeper took a lot of falls, but he always got right back up. In college, he discovered running, the sport that would become his lifeblood. After winning silver and bronze medals in the Paralympic Games, Leeper is now training with one goal in mind—to compete against able-bodied athletes in the Olympics. His bid to compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was denied by World Athletics, track and field’s international governing body in February 2020. The organization maintains the prosthetic blades Leeper runs on give him an unfair advantage. But Leeper hasn’t stopped there—he has filed an appeal to the committee.

#BlakeLeeper #runner #athlete

This story is a part of our Frontiers series, where we bring you front and center to the dreamers, pioneers, and innovators leading society at the cutting edge. Let us take you along for a trip to the oft-imagined but rarely accomplished.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram:
Make our acquaintance on Facebook:
Give us a shout on Twitter:
Come hang with us on Vimeo:
Visit our world directly:

Monday 18 May 2020

'Bounce-Back Surf Camp' Bounce-Back...without going under

If you want to Bounce-Back...without going under... and you'd welcome an independent perspective on some of the most difficult decisions you've ever had to take (and at an amazingly low price, as befits the crisis we're all in), then this recovery-framework is definitely for you.

Register for the course here

Cash Flow Clarity: A Monthly Model to Manage the Year Ahead

Bracing for the worst calls for some serious financial analysis. To avoid hitting the wall by running out of cash, we need to make sure you can line up the resources you're going to need to get through the worst case scenario. Having worked out your Break-Even Sales level, we'll see what can be done to lower it, through out-sourcing and cost-cutting. But we can't afford to be so radical that we kill the goose that may lay tomorrow's golden egg.

A Helping Hand to Raise Your Resilience

We entrepreneurs are now at the sharp end of the steepest, deepest economic down-turn the world has ever seen. We are being stretched to destruction in financial and human terms, simultaneously. The challenges we face are colossal; both in finding the funding to survive and in coping with the shock and horror of the sheer scale and unfairness of the suffering we are facing. People are scattered right across the Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle, from Denial and Anger to Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. But as business leaders, the sooner we can work through to Acceptance, the sooner we can summon our teams to survive and ultimately thrive.

A Blueprint for (re-)Building Value

Time to look up! When coping with a crisis, we tend to see nothing but negatives. That's natural. But we need to search for bright spots too; it would be a shame to miss them, wouldn't it? We need to scour the skies for silver-linings and opportunities to do things differently. Bearing in mind that there are 3 building blocks of value in a business (Stand-Alone, Synergies and Strategic Benefits for a partner), explore what can be done to build each block. If progress in one area is on-hold, see what can be done in others. I've sold plenty of loss-making businesses in my career, which just goes to show that poor or negative stand-alone value can be outweighed by other benefits a business can offer a potential partner. And competition works wonders!

Because we Entrepreneurs are all now facing an unprecedented crisis, and because I (ultimately) learned lessons from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 which I wish I'd known earlier.

David Young has got a course that will help you with the above.

Register for the course here


1:1 Personal Coaching Session with David Young

David is offering to commit 30 minutes (preferably on a video call) to each of the first 30 people who commit to the Bounce-Back Surf Camp. You can spend this time on any aspect of the course, as you wish. As a fully-qualified Coach (using the Clarification Method) he can help you come to terms with the personal shock and anger triggered in your situation by this sudden, unprecedented hammer-blow to the world economy. You can explore potential silver linings, too- opportunities, maybe, to pursue in future some goals that may have been languishing in the background. Value: $250.

Explore what you most want to come through this storm with, intact
Look together for any bright spots in all the current turmoil
Tailor your whole Bounce-Back Surf Camp experience to YOU!.

Survival Spreadsheet

This is the exact same spreadsheet he uses with clients to project monthly cash flows one year ahead. It's vital to clarify what your cumulative cash-outflow could be, worst case, so that you can work out what you need to borrow (and/or what assets you need to sell) to get through the worst.  Value: $97.

Make sure you're braced for the worst-case scenario
Calculate your Break-Even point
See what can be done to get that Break-Even point DOWN
Jargon-busting book 'Increase & Extract the Value of Your Business'

This acclaimed book, normally sold for $19, was co-written with a business leader and a motivational mentor to encourage you to get to grips with the levers of value in YOUR business by de-mystifying financial mumbo-jumbo. He wants you to be able to pursue and defend the value of your business, when the time comes, with confidence!

You can read its 40 pages in an afternoon

Your clarity and confidence in goal-setting for your business will surge

This is the perfect primer & companion for the Bounce-Back Surf Camp

His Audio-Version of the book 'Increase & Extract the Value of Your Business'

He will also give you his $27 audiobook version free, to enable you to absorb the content while you're doing chores around the house (or walking to work!)

These bonuses alone are worth a total of $393.

 He would normally price a 3-week Group Coaching Course with weekly 90-minute live coaching sessions at $497. This Bounce-Back Surf Camp puts you through the paces to boost your survival chances in the stormy seas ahead. And it's hard to put a price on saving the business you have been building for years, if not decades.

Register for the course here

Saturday 16 May 2020

How to Know When Debt is Unmanageable

Extract and video from Ann Wilson How to Know When Debt is Unmanageable

Consumer debt has become so normalised into our society that for many, NOT having consumer debt seemed an impossibility and outright freaky.

Before we go any further I want to say “living consumer debt free” is not only possible, it is my greatest hope and wish for you. 

Living free of consumer debt should be one of your wealthy life goals. 

I’m not talking about eliminating expansion borrowing or even neutral debt – only consumer debt.

To understand the difference ready this article “Not All Debt Is Bad”

Back to consumer debt…

This video unpacks what consumer debt is, the warning signs that you have too much and what to do about it.

Watch the video now

One of the things the Covid Crisis and its economic fallout is revealing is just how vulnerable having consumer debt makes people.

Consumer debt makes people debt slaves.

Who are the biggest debt slaves?

There are many ways to measure household indebtedness and debt burdens.

Comparing total household debt to the overall size of the economy as measured by GDP is one of the measures.

And per this household-debt-to-GDP measure, this is the line-up of the most indebted people in the world by country.

Taking poll position and coming in #1 in the biggest debt slaves as % of GDP competition is Switzerland!

Closely followed by Australia and Denmark all with an astounding household debt to GDP % OVER 100%!

Despite missing the podium and coming in at #4 and #5, Norway and Canada also manage to have percentages exceeding 100%.

Comparing Household Debt to Income is another measure and perhaps this is a more pertinent measure of debt slavery.

These revealing numbers are truly terrifying…

How do you know when household debt is too much? 

The simple answer is, any consumer debt is too much. 

I know this might sound evangelical and even just weird in this day and age when consumer debt has become so normalised – as you can see by the debt slavery hit parade. 

It’s as though the aim of the money game has become… 

…“how fast can you get rid of the money that you’ve got?”

Better still…

…”how fast can you get rid of money that you don’t even have?”

You might be reading this and going.. “Chill Ann, I’ve got it under control.” 

Let’s see if you do (and based on the household debt to income percentages most people don’t – just saying)  …

If you’re spending more than 15% of your monthly income on clearing the minimum repayment on debts, not including your mortgage, …

… you are already in over your head and you have to make a change in your money flow pattern.

How do you Break a Debt Habit and Set Yourself Free?

STEP 1: Acknowledge that having consumer debt is not a healthy way of living. 

You must acknowledge you have debt and that having debt is a problem. If you stay in denial, you can never move forward.

STEP 2: Know that you cannot get out of debt with more debt. 

You’ve got to put down the shovel and stop digging. 

Just like you can’t drink your way out of a drinking problem, you can’t debt your way out of a debt problem.

This includes the temptation of “new easy repayments… debt consolidation plans. 

To be clear, debt consolidation has a role to play in breaking free from debt slavery, but it is not the first step. 

Debt consolidation can be very dangerous because just rejigging the sinking ship does not deal with underlying behavioural and mindset issues that created the debt in the first place.

STEP 3: Let people know you are breaking free from debt. 

Be loud and proud.

You are claiming back your freedom, it’s something you should be proud about.

Let go of any shame you may feel about having debt, because shame is one of the things that keeps people deep, deep, deep in debt. Shame and guilt around money stuff is the poison that prevents many people reaching out for support, getting help when they could actually quickly turn something around and gets them into real trouble. 

IMPORTANT: If you’re struggling to make your repayments, you must contact the people you owe. Let them know your position so you can start making debt arrangements.

STEP 4: Take stock of your debt. 

There are five key things that you must know about each debt you have in order to break free from it. 

Read this article 5 Things You Must Know About Your debt to get the details of these 5 points.

STEP 5: Put a structured break free plan in place.

It’s really important that you have a structured plan to break free from your debt, with very clear steps, organised in such a way that you focus on the priority debt and use behavioural science to help you succeed.

With your break free plan designed, you automate the plan.

STEP 6: Focus on your FREEDOM.

With a structured break free plan in place and on autopilot, you must turn your attention to your freedom.

Time travel to your near future and focus on what being free of this debt enables you to do…

The new choices you’re going to be able to make…

Move your attention to building real sustainable wealth by investing and building up your assets.

With the structured automated break free plan in place, see how you can get extra money to throw at your debt.

Liberate yourself!

The whole aim of the break free game is to get rid of debt as fast as possible.

Use this Time & Interest Payoff Calculator to get motivated.

Use this cool tool to calculate how long it will take to pay off each debt you have, if you make only the minimum payment month-after-month; and how much money that debt will cost you interest. PLUS, how much you will save in money and time by increasing your payments; and how much time and money you will save by reducing the interest rate you pay.

If you only pay the minimum repayment required by law and you set that in place every month, and that’s all you pay off on your credit cards, your overdraft etc…

… it will take you between 17 and 22 years to pay off that debt based on the average APR, the interest rates that are currently being charged on credit cards to repay that debt. 

And you’ll pay five to seven times more than the original sum borrowed. 

When you think about that holiday, or whatever else felt easy to put on a credit card …

If you knew you’d be paying for it seven times over, would you have bought it?

If you knew you would still be paying for it in 22 years time, would you use that credit facility? 

I don’t think so. 

STEP 7: Track your great escape progress

The most important thing is to track your progress and celebrate every little bit of debt that you clear from your life. 

It’s much easier to break free from debt when you put a plan in place, focus on your freedom, and choose you first.

Friday 15 May 2020

This Is Why You Don't Succeed - Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation

This Is Why You Don't Succeed - Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation

This is a famous interview that Simon did in 2018 for Team Fearless. It gives you the prespective about Millenials and what they want and how they think. More interestingly for me is that it talks about what caused them to be like that and how to get them to be more productive. It will help you in your workplace.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Self Made Women is building a global community of ambitious women

Self Made Women is building a global community of ambitious women who are creating an authentic life and embracing abundance.

Self Made Woman is bringing together women just like you who are driven, focused, and ready to achieve what you want in life.

SMW provides you with the tools to make your life a masterpiece!

Join them and start networking and connecting with other women who have the knowledge, skillsets, and resources to help you achieve your goals. Two years ago Cynthiaa Delaney had a vision that would bring women from around the world together to support, celebrate, and elevate each other's lives, dreams and achievements. Her passion was to connect women with their passions and discover their purpose and ultimately ignite their destiny. Within 8 weeks the vision was launched and the first ever event "Ignite Your Destiny" Event was announced.

Women across the country came together from all backgrounds and skill sets to celebrate the vision in Tucson, Arizona at the Ritz-Carlton. From stay at home moms to health and wellness experts, coaches, and celebrities. Their stories fueled the event. Inspiring women through being real and authentic, giving them answers to how they can live a better and more fulfilled life. Hundreds of women found a home with the SMW Tribe. Women were encouraged to give purpose to their trial and give power to their personal experiences and how they could touch the lives of other women by paying it forward. This moved women to impact the world and women around them. 

SMW and the vision to help women thrive has expanded globally. Since we launched the Ignite Your Destiny event we have increased our platform to memberships, online events and monthly mini events in 7 states. We have just announced the second ever "Ignite Your Destiny" 2-day event, featuring guest speakers from around the globe.  We have also announced strategic alliances with recognizable companies, products and services that will better enrich women's lives. Focusing on body, mind and soul abundance as major part of our philosophy.

Self Made Woman is introducing a Epic Life Experience! You won't find us anywhere else!
Experience an awakening! We are excited to share the tools that will change your lives forever!

SMW – Self Made Woman will treat you to an experience that mirrors all levels of an abundant life!

You will have a clear path and a focused plan to living to your full potential! Soul, Body & Mind!

Learn how to capture the inner peace you are searching for, how to feed your body with the ultimate fuel and how to create a mind-shift for a lifetime!

They will teach you how to tap into the resources you already have and to create a next level version(finding your inner badass and capitalizing on your strengths) of YOU!

They will connect you with financial gurus to learn from their years of experience and the millions they have made, so that you now can create a impermeable wall of protection around you and your family!

You will have a financial portfolio that diagrams how to put 7 streams of income into action for you today!

They will also talk about the power of giving back & how that fills your soul and helps you financially! You will have an exact portfolio designed for your life and your needs! You will receive training materials and guides as well as videos.

This will all be included in your SMW experience! SMW values you and is designed to be a platform that levels you Up! We only ask that you Pay It Forward to everyone! You will be empowered, refreshed, awakened and strengthened!  You will be joining some of the most driven, positive and accomplished women in the world in their fields of expertise for an orgasmic experience of life! You will leave with all you need to live better, feel better, look better and perform better and we will be talking frankly (No bars! Shoot from the hip!)!

There are no boundaries with SMW!  If you are looking for edgy, straight forward talk, you found US!

They will focus on your passions, purpose and destiny, all while teaching you to recognize your biggest commodity, YOU! We will infuse each day with body, mind and soul while healing you in the process and teach you how to empower others as well.

There are many surprises that await you with your one of kind SMW experience!

Join the other women who have joined SMW to level up and “Live, Don't Exist”!

It is time to design your life and live with passion and purpose!

Different Offers from Self Made Women

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Khalid from Cricket Fanatics Magazine talks about how he had to change his company for the lockdown

Cricket Fanatics Magazine is a new website that talks about all things around fans for cricket. The Magazine had not been running for long before the coronavirus lockdown and Khalid needed to change his business and content schedule. As a sports magazine a lot of the content came from live events, one on one interviews and press conferences. This all came to a stop so Khalid needed to find other ways to generate content. He has been very successful and his Magazine has grown whilst he is stuck at home. Find him at

Real Connection Business Summit Specials

I have chosen a couple of specials from the Real Connection Business Summit from this week. The specials that I have chosen are from the speakers that have touched me and their courses are the ones that I would recommend.

Brian Walsh

There are multiple Brian Walsh Courses that I recommend he is outstanding and I feel that he gives a practical perspective to each one of his courses. Some speakers are very theoretical but he gets to the grips of a company's needs and immediately starts to work directly on your company.

Addicted to Profit

Find out how to dramatically change your financial outcomes by focusing on profit instead of income. One of Brian's issues with businesses is that they focus on income and don't look at the costs that are incurred in trying to achieve that income. Here he focuses on profit and not on income.


Get the book as an ebook and audio book now.

The Real Success Club

This is step by step walk through every aspect that you need to know about a business. Brian helps you design and business from the ground up and if you already own a business he helps you take the business to another level plus assists you in getting your focus right within the business.

To get access to the course click here. 

Brian Walsh and Sajen Thathiah

Real Experts Academy

Make all of your digital platforms make money for you. Sujen and Brian talk about the various aspect of digital marketing, they assist you in setting up your strategy and they work through creating click funnels to create a client community. I am busy doing this course with the two gentlemen and I am loving it.

To get access to the course click here