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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Give Yourself Permission To Be A Entrepreneur | Dr John Demartini


Why can't you be successful? Why can't you create opportunities for yourself and for others?

Be an entrepreneur, grow the economy, help out with employment, create opportunities for others by becoming an entrepreneur. 

The most important part to being an entrepreneur is that it is up to you to create opportunities for yourself. Learn from others, create your own selling point and keep on growing and learning otherwise others will overtake you.

Jeff Bezos - How I surpassed $200 Billion (Business Talk)


How do the top earners make their money?

It is always interesting to see how other people make their money, how they believe in themselves and what they have to offer. I get a lot of people telling me that I should not do what I am looking to do because others have not done it.

Believe in what you want to do, believe in yourself, believe in your offer and make it happen. 

You need to weigh up the opportunity cost of what you want to do and what you will lose if you want to do it. If you are not prepared to do what it takes then look for something else, something that you are more prepared to do. Look at your values but then do not get jealous of others for what they have achieved because they have made the sacrifices that you were not prepared to make and did not make the sacrifices that you made.

Sunday 25 October 2020

How important is communication to developing an economy? Will Starlink Satellite enable the world's economies grow?

How important is communication to developing an economy? 

Will Starlink Satellite enable the world's economies grow?

What will that mean to you as an individual?

Global communication is of utmost importance to growing a global company but there are also opportunities for people to create industry in a smaller degree. How are you going to take advantage of these changes and will it make life better for you.

On the educational side it will hopefully give kids the opportunity to educate themselves and give them a better chance in life. However there are a lot of communities without water and electricity. If these communities are able to tap into this network they will be able to get opportunities that they would never have been able to get.

Sunday 18 October 2020

Why you don't have enough money

There are many ways that we waste our income. For some of us we only live from hand to mouth and there is no way for you to change but the majority of us find creative ways to spend our well earned cash and are not able to save.

Here are 3 traps that we fall into.

Lifestyle inflation - we all have dreams about things that we will buy when get a little more money. We work hard, get an increase and spend the increase and don't see the benefits of making more money. We are not better off than before the increase. Recently I went to see some friends in one of the more affluent areas in Johannesburg. They had an impressive house, impressive staff to help them keep the house in order but they had less disposable  income than what I had and their savings were less than mine. They had fallen into the trap.

Pay yourself first - We need to put away at least 10% of our salaries into various funds that can help you earn more than just keeping it in the bank. Speak to a financial advisor and put your money away before you get your hands on the money. Putting money in a savings account also doesn't help those of us that fall for the temptation to use that money. Put it somewhere where it is out of sight and not that easy to get back.

Consumer traps - But 3 and only pay for 2, we have all seen this kind of special or discount that we think is awesome and we take advantage of that. Do you need that special? Is the product something that you need? If I am looking for a certain thing and I see it on special I will but it but if I am not looking for it I will not buy it. That is my best recommendation. People fall for the trap countless times and end up with multiple purchases of the same thing that they don't need more of. Avoid these traps.

Friday 16 October 2020

Why LOSING YOUR JOB Can Be The Best Thing To HAPPEN FOR YOU | Jay Shetty


How many people, after losing their jobs go through that same thing that this lady went through? Are you one of those people? During the lockdown, when you were not able top work, did you do something similar to this?

The first time I was retrenched I was also very similar to this lady, the second time I had already learnt my lesson. Now during the coronavirus I used my time positively and creatively. How did you use your time?

For me losing a job, losing a client etc... are all lessons that we need to learn to become better and to ground ourselves. There is not successful company that has not gone through tough times but it is how we bounce back that defines us.

How do you want to be defined?

Friday 9 October 2020

Overcome The Fear of Public Speaking | Dr John Demartini


I always had a problem with public speaking. I hated it at school, I hated it after school, I even refused to speak at a friend's wedding because of how much I was scared.

Now I speak on TV, Radio and in many public spaces. I have no problem getting out there and expressing myself.

I lot of the problems that people have in public speaking comes from what they learn at school and that was my problem. There is no reason why you should be scared. We can all do it. 

Thursday 8 October 2020

Self-Reflective Awareness | Dr John Demartini


Are you aware of who you are and what you are capable of doing?

Are you letting others dictate to you who you are?

Does life catch up to you and stop you from being the person that you are meant to be?

Walmart Triples Down on Tesla Semi, Ford Cuts Prices on Mustang Mach-E


The world of the automobile manufacturing has changed considerably in the last couple of months. Tesla is doing well but there is a lot of competition from all sides. The quality of the offering is becoming better and cheaper. 

Where will the industry take us in the near future, should you be investing in this industry? Who should you invest in. Some companies will make you money others will not.

Friday 2 October 2020

How Your Perceptions Affect Your Health | Dr John Demartini


It is a well known fact that perceptions, stress etc... can have an affect on your health. Here John talks about his Values Factor to help you with your perceptions. 

I am still busy on my journey on the Values Factor and I am learning a lot about myself.

Did you know that your perceptions of your reality can affect your physiology? Dr John Demartini shares insights into how your perceptions affect your health and wellbeing. Understand how the symptoms of the body are giving you feedback and how balancing your psychology will bring balance to your physiology.
00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Perceptions of support and challenge
01:40 - Diabetics, hypoglycemic
02:34 - Thyroid Function
03:16 - Hormones
04:04 - Illness is feedback
05:43 - Balanced psychology for balanced physiology

Jay & Radhi Shetty ANSWER Some Of the Most REQUESTED RELATIONSHIP Questions


I find it odd that there have been so many relationships that have broken up in this Coronavirus period, I think that the big question is "How well do you know your partner?"

Some relationships were already on their way out so the virus just sped it up but others looked to be rock solid until this happened. Finances can put a lot of strain on relationships.

The good news is that for some of us our relationships proved that they are very strong.

Do you know your partner well? It is interesting to see Jay and Radhi talk about how well they know each other.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Adidas vs Puma - The Family Argument That Gave Rise to Sports Marketing


From making shoes in the laundry room to global power in sports: This is the story of a rivalry between two brothers who pioneered sports marketing with their relentless drive to be the best.

⏱ Timestamps ⏱ 00:00 Introduction 00:45 Dassler Brothers' Shoe Factory 03:18 The Olympics & World War II 04:55 The Birth Of Two Global Brands 06:55 A New Chapter of Sports Marketing 08:20 Adidas & Puma Today

Steve Jobs in 2003 - Tablets are doomed to Fail


In hindsight tablets are fantastic and they were a thing of the future but as Steve Jobs said, they need to be used. In 2003 there were a lot of people that preferred to use their laptops in meeting and I prefer to use a laptop now but there are a lot of other people that use their tablets as their primary computers. 

How do you take advantage of your technology?

Here are some links to a couple of products from Apple.


Wednesday 23 September 2020

Elon Musk - If I were 20 Years Old


What would you say to a 20 year old version of your self? Would you advise this version of your self and warn them about the mistakes that they are going to make? I am the person who I am through the mistakes that I have made. I do not believe that I would be a better person if I knew better. Actually I don't think that a 20 year old version of myself would have listened to advice anyway. 

In this Elon Musk Interview, Elon talks about what he would do if he was 20. Every Elon Musk Speech is special like this one. Elon Musk Motivation is to make as much impact as possible and here Musk talks about the choices he would make if he were 20 years old

Sunday 20 September 2020

The Business of Virat Kohli - How Free Internet Fuelled His Rise


We are three days into the IPL and there is not doubt that the biggest person in cricket is Virat Kohli. If you don't believe that just ask him and he will tell you.

In my opinion he is the best player in the world at the moment and I absolutely love watching him play. I also love to see what he is doing in his personal life and in business. He keeps up his profile in all aspects of his life. This is something that you see in a lot of other sports but I think that he is only the second cricketer after MS Dhoni to be completely professional.

Enjoy this story. 

Friday 11 September 2020

How to Increase Your Self Discipline to Achieve Your Goals | Dr John Demartini


How to increase your self discipline to achieve your goals with Dr John Demartini. Discover the important role your values play in the discipline and focus you have for achieving your goals and dreams.

If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at TEDxCrestmoorParkED


Former Denver Broncos running back Reggie Rivers discusses how focusing on your goals is the one sure way NOT to achieve them.  With humor and insight he goes on to explain how focusing on your behaviors is how you achieve goals.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

How To Find Opportunity in Times of Challenge


Those with a vision flourish! 

Now is the time to stay focused on your vision and mission and to do something extraordinary by truly stepping up and bringing your service to the world!

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many challenges but seeing both sides, both the support and challenge is what will allow you to maintain an inner resilience and objectivity which is where you are able to see the greatest opportunities during this time. 

In this video Dr Demartini, he addresses how to find the opportunity in the apparent chaos so you can turn Coronavirus into the greatest opportunity for your life!

The Untold Truth About Money: How to Build Wealth From Nothing.


There is an untold truth about money – an actual equation that allows you to build wealth from nothing.

It’s an equation that is hardly taught in schools if at all, and is often overlooked by those who are trying to get rich, or achieve their dreams of “financial freedom”. 

In this video, we’ll take a look at exactly what that equation is. 

Use This To Control Your Brain - Mel Robbins


Use This To Control Your Brain - Mel Robbins Speaker: MEL ROBBINS Full Interview thanks to TOM BILYEU: More Fearless Soul you can listen to every day: iTunes: Spotify: GooglePlay: AmazonMP3: AppleMusic: Worldwide MP3 Download: Transcript: "remember, your brain is wired to stop you from doing things that are uncomfortable or uncertain or scary. It’s your job to learn how to move from those ideas that could change everything into acting on them.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC


This is an interesting take on finding your passion.

What are you passionate about? You’re told these five words hold the key to a successful career and life purpose.  What if it’s the wrong question altogether? This talk turns the ubiquitous “find your passion” message on its ear.

Terri Trespicio is a branding strategist who helps visionaries, experts, entrepreneurs, and businesses communicate with power and precision across media platforms. She consults with a wide range of experts, everyone from surgeons and social media celebs to startups and brand managers.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Tuesday 8 September 2020

The Art of Meditation | Dr John Demartini


Dr John Demartini narrows down meditation to two basic forms and discusses how the art of meditation requires one mastering the use of the mind, mastering the use of the transcendent state as well as the practical focused state to get poised, present, purposeful and powerful.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Dopamine Fix - The One-Sided Fantasy | Dr John Demartini


Are you making foolish decisions because dopamine runs you? Dr Demartini breaks down how searching for the one sided fantasy (positive without negative) leads to searching for quick fixes. If you want to be a master in your life, it is time to embrace both sides. Set yourself free from the illusion of one-sidedness.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Anheuser-Busch Inbev brand says it will create a special can if #Bud4Utah hashtag gets circulated 84,899 times


Full Article Here

Budweiser is making a pitch to be the official beer of the most sober state in the union. In a new campaign the brew says it will create a special can just for Utah if the #Bud4Utah hashtag gets circulated 84,899 times on Twitter by Sept. 13. That number represents the total square feet of the state. A video by VaynerMedia pushing the effort features a character named Jed lamenting the fact that Utah has an official state fruit (cherries), rock (coal) and flower (sego lily)—but not a beer.

Monday 24 August 2020

Uncommon Goods' Brian Hashemi Talks Social Media Investments and Customer Retention

Original Article on EMarketer by Rima Kats

The retail industry has faced major changes this year, both good and bad. Companies have had to adjust budgets, reimagine marketing efforts and adapt to new consumer behaviors. Uncommon Goods, an eco-conscious online and catalog retailer of unique gifts, is no stranger to this variety of operational shifts brought on by the pandemic.

We recently spoke with Brian Hashemi, the brand's head of marketing and analytics, about how it has adapted to new supply chain logistics, what it is doing to retain new customers, and the pros and cons of TikTok advertising.

How has the pandemic affected Uncommon Goods?

We had to completely shut down our main distribution center in New York City for two months. But since it reopened, we've been trying to figure out how to run it effectively while maintaining social distancing.

Another issue is that lot of our vendors have faced similar supply chain disruptions, all while customer demand skyrocketed. We've had to focus on how to be more efficient and how to drive revenues at the lowest stock-acquisition costs, so that we don't inundate our operations.

We're also putting together contingency plans in the event that a second wave hits New York during the holiday season.

Have you had to scale back in any way?

On a top level, no. We've definitely scaled up our investments, which we're able to do at this time of the year. During the holiday season, we might not have that luxury.

However, I would say that it's not the same for all channels. We've scaled up in some areas, like Facebook. There have been good opportunities to drive very low-cost acquisition there. So, we've taken advantage of that and dramatically ramped up our ad investments.

Meanwhile, in other areas like direct mail, there's a much longer lead time to that investment, and you're locked into it. Because of all the uncertainty, we've scaled back spending on those kinds of ad formats.

Many brands are investing in TikTok advertising. Has Uncommon Goods done the same?

Yes, we've seen products just take off on TikTok, and there have been times that it caught us by surprise. We wondered, "Man, why is this thing selling so much today? It's really going crazy." Then we traced the surge back to a viral TikTok video.


Marketing works better with data

Marketing teams are always looking to boost conversion. Luckily there’s an easy way: tracking user behavior. By understanding what users do on your site, you can see where they get stuck and measurably improve the user experience.

Read Heap's ebook for more.

Our products have had a few organic successes like that, which made us want to invest more in the platform. So, we've started experimenting with advertising on TikTok, as well as working directly with influencers. In both cases thus far, we have been unable to replicate the success of the organically viral products that have done well for us. The conversion rates are really low, but we're still optimistic. We'll definitely continue investing and learning about those channels.

Have you seen a rise in new customers? If so, what are you doing to retain them?

We saw record levels of customer acquisitions in Q2. We've had a lot of concerns about the lifetime value of these customers, because a large portion of them are coming through transactional channels that are normally associated with lower levels of repurchase behavior.

So, we have put a lot of emphasis on our retention efforts with these cohorts. We increased our email opt-in acquisitions and recently leveraged SMS as a new retention method, which has been going very well.

We've also done a lot more testing around our loyalty program, called "Uncommon Perks," which now has a free two-week trial.

Can you elaborate on the SMS program?

We send out weekly broadcast messages that highlight new products, sales or whatever is going on at the company.

Our investment in SMS was a project that we started last year, but I think it's worked out really well amid the pandemic. The response rates we see for SMS are, on average, about 10 times higher than for email. But we can't send SMS messages at the same frequency as we do emails, so there's definitely a little back and forth regarding which channel is better for us.

What's next for Uncommon Goods?

Our road map has completely changed. Going into the year, we were highly focused on exploring new acquisition models, diversifying beyond the Facebook and Google duopoly, and finding other ways to effectively grow brand awareness.

Acquisition is not a problem for us, and we're much more focused on efficiency. So, if we have a limited amount of operational capacity, how do we drive that level of business in the most profitable manner? To a degree, we've shelved our branding campaigns for a while. We're back to focusing much more on lower-funnel, higher-ROI [return on investment] performance marketing.

I'm sure that we will switch back at some point, and that upper-funnel acquisition will become relevant again in a post-pandemic world, but that's been pushed back by roughly a year.

Friday 21 August 2020

This Speech Will Change Your Life | Carl Sagan


Original Video


From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor, and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps a no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

Thursday 20 August 2020

The Illusion of Success and Failure | Dr Demartini


Don’t let yourself be distracted by the illusions of ‘success or failure’. Dr Demartini breaks down why looking for a pleasure and avoiding pain will distract you from your vision.You’d be wise to learn how to love ‘failure’ as much as ‘success’ since you’re going to experience ‘success’ and ‘failure’ throughout your life. Look for the valuable feedback that both of these offer.

Monday 17 August 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired?

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

Rocky Balboa isn’t the only champion to come out of Philly. Meet Charles King. The 69-year-old is winning medals at powerlifting competitions around the world, but his journey getting there has not been easy. The Army veteran lost his sight when he was 39, and faced battles with drug addiction, cancer and diabetes. The tragedies kept piling up after he lost his daughter, and there were times when King felt hopeless. Then, he discovered powerlifting at the age of 60. It changed everything.


#triumph #powerlifter #veteran

This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Friday 14 August 2020

Do You Know Too Much? Brandon Bays


Have you ever felt that all your hard earned, seemingly 'factual knowledge' is standing in the way of your ability to experience the awe and wonder of life that is available in this moment? That you’ve lost the ability you had as a child, to view the world with innocent and curious eyes, each moment lived as a fresh new experience?

As adults, so often our accumulated experience and knowledge stands as a sentry at the doorway to the unknown-- to the wonder and genius available when we open to the wordless wisdom that is only available in the unknown — in this that is NOT known. 

Watch this fascinating video to learn how to drop your expertise and open freshly to life in wonder and awe, where true genius and wisdom become available. These and other videos available now on our free membership site here: 



Thursday 13 August 2020

Neuroscientist Explains How Your Brain Is Affected by Fear, Isolation & Anxiety | Moriel Zelikowsky


This episode is sponsored by Skillshare. The first 1000 people to use this link will get a 2 month free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership:

Neuroscientist Moriel Zelikowsky studies the neural mechanisms underlying stress, fear, and social behavior. On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, she discusses her own research into how extreme social isolation affects mice and humans. She talks about what drew her to the science of emotions, why fear is adaptive, and presents some surprising reasons to question the general advice that PTSD sufferers should join support groups.


Moriel discusses what drew her to the science of emotions [0:35]

Moriel right now is working on social isolation and how it affects the brain [3:39]

Violence happens often after social isolation in mice [6:33]

Fear becomes much more persistent after isolation [7:57]

Social isolation hijacks systems that normally produce positive results [12:01]

For mice, two weeks of social isolation is long enough to cause severe consequences [14:46]

To what degree does social media mitigate or exacerbate social isolation? [16:08]

Moriel discusses the most recent research on fear and where it’s located in the brain [18:18]

Moriel explains why fear is adaptive and helpful [20:25]

Moriel details how general anxiety disorder builds on itself [24:05]

The most common therapy for PTSD is some form of exposure therapy [26:15]

Moriel describes an experiment on PTSD with truly surprising results [28:27]


“Everywhere you look, you can see that fear would be adaptive.” [21:16]

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Fleeting Passions vs a Meaningful Purpose | Dr Demartini


Is going after your passions the answer? Or could this be the very thing distracting you from your meaningful purpose in life? Understand how a meaningful purpose goes beyond fleeting passions with Dr Demartini and know the difference between passion and purpose, and what your values have to do with it.

Monday 10 August 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? Meet Wrestling’s First Hijab-Wearing Competitor

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

Nor “Phoenix” Diana might be small in stature, but she dominates in the ring. The world’s first hijab-wearing pro wrestler, she is also the first female to hold a Malaysia Pro Wrestling championship. She has been criticized by those who say women shouldn’t pursue sports like wrestling, but Nor tunes them out. She has the support of her fans, and she is proud to inspire other girls who wear hijabs to fight their way into the ring. The more girls in wrestling, the better. This young pioneer welcomes the competition.


#ProWrestler #hijab #GirlPower

This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Thursday 6 August 2020

The Most Inspiring Speech: The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life | Rick Rigsby

Make an Impact: Rick Rigsby delivers a powerful speech on how his father's teachings have guided him through the most troubling times of his life. Are you Inspired? Order Dr. Rick Rigsby's book, "Lessons from a third grade dropout" here: 

Wednesday 5 August 2020

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure | Dr John Demartini

What is fear exactly? and how do you overcome the fear of failure? Dr John Demartini unpacks the source of your fears and how fear is your friend and how to overcome fear. Find out what balanced goals and living according to your highest values have to do with overcoming the fear of failure.

Monday 3 August 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? 4 Stories About Beautiful Friendships

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

These friendships have replanted forests and swam the seas. We’re celebrating that special person in your life that makes you stronger and makes the world a better place to live. When was the last time you called your best friend?


This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Wednesday 29 July 2020

Understand Cause and Effect, how it can weigh you down emotionally | Dr John Demartini

I use a lot of Dr John Demartini's talks in this blog because I find that most of what he talks about resonates closely with me. Through his Values Factor I managed to find out what my values are and that changed my focus and got me to push and work towards goals that suit me and provide a service to others.

Understand cause and effect on a deeper level with Dr John Demartini and how it can weigh you down emotionally. Do we really know the consequence of any action? Do we really know the cause of anything in the chain of cause and effect? Dr Demartini takes you a step further into acausality, transcending the judgements of causality. 🔴 Subscribe for more life mastery tips:

Tuesday 28 July 2020

How Jürgen Klopp Transformed Liverpool into a Billion Dollar Club

Liverpool took the Premier League Title a little while ago but this weekend was the official end of the season so this is a great time to see what influence Jurgen Klopp has had on the team.

He is not only a coach, he is also a trend setter, icon and brand in his own right. 

Here is a clip from Athletic Interests on YouTube. Great content. 

Monday 27 July 2020

Motivational Monday: Do you need to be inspired? 1, 2, 3, 4 Stories About Maths

Here is the next video in our Motivational Monday Series. We start every week off with a motivational story to inspire you to greater things.

I find the YouTube Channel Great big Story has loads of interesting stories and some of them are extremely inspirational.

If you subscribe to my Patreon Channel you will get a review from me and my takings from the video.

From geometry to personal finance, there is one common denominator that links the stories in this reel—they are all about maths.


This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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Sunday 26 July 2020

Use This To Control Your Brain - Mel Robbins

Use This To Control Your Brain - Mel Robbins Speaker: MEL ROBBINS

"remember, your brain is wired to stop you from doing things that are uncomfortable or uncertain or scary. It’s your job to learn how to move from those ideas that could change everything into acting on them. "

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Inspiring Speech- 6 Rules of Success

Arnold Schwarzenegger tells his secret 6 rules of success. This was an amazing motivation video and speech that was released during 2019. Many people can take inspiration from this video. These are highlights of a full one hour speech. Sometimes Schwarzenegger has 5 rules of success or 9 rules of success. This video takes inspiration from DoubleHike, Goalcast, Richard Bennet, Motivation Madness, Chispa Motivation, Mulligan Brothers, AlexKatMotivation, Goal Quest, and Rainer Heimann. People watching this video can use this video for motivation, to succeed in life, and make more money. Schwarzenegger was known to be the most successful body-building champion, highest paid actor, and governor of California. The information mentioned in the video is not talked about in schools. Schwarzenegger was known to be a character in Mortal Kombat 11 which is also on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Schwarzenegger sometimes has 9 rules of success, used these rules throughout his whole life, used these rules to create, and act in the movie "Terminator 6 Dark Fate". People can use this video for inspiration in bodybuilding. The Youtuber Connor Murphy, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and Sylvester Stallone take inspiration and many more people take inspiration from Schwarzenegger. The mindset of a champion is very important to succeed. "Alpha Leaders Productions or "Andrew DC TV" produced this video.

How to Manage Distractions & Unleash Your Engagement & Productivity | Dr John Demartini

Unleash your engagement and productivity with Dr John Demartini. Find out exactly how to manage distractions, what impacts high vs low engagement, how emotions play a role, why determining your values is key and the importance of asking quality questions to increase your engagement, enthusiasm and productivity in any area of life.

The greater the challenges and problems you solve in your life, the greater the life that you live. When you're engaged, you're fully present and inspired to participate in whatever the responsibility you have in life.
00:01:18 - What it means to be fully engaged and the factors that drive high versus low engagement
00:07:36 - Value determination steps and how values play a role in engagement and productivity
00:26:07 - Advice to those who run their own business and find themselves being distracted by their team
00:32:25 - How business leaders can keep their team morale high during challenging times
00:37:28 - How emotions impact the focus of engagements
00:43:23 - About the Breakthrough Experience

Friday 24 July 2020

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life | Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini shares the amazing power of gratitude and how it can change your life. The law of appreciation is one of the most powerful forces. If you take the time to notice and be grateful for what you have - no matter what it feels like right now - your life will certainly change.


00:00:06 - Dr Demartini shares an experience of how gratitude shifted a 'challenging' day
00:04:56 - Exchangeable fair exchange and being grateful for others
00:06:26 - A balanced mind and gratitude, the Demartini Method
00:07:22 - The 2 types of gratitude and appreciation
00:10:55 - Your perceptions, your decisions, and your actions
00:12:00 - Document your gratitudes
00:13:58 - Maximize your gratitude
00:15:06 - Awakening Your Astronomical Vision